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Weird question about the "Child can use" Flag on furniture


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This is possibly going to be a bizarre question, but to cut right to the chase does the 'Child can Use' flag in any way hamper normal settlement items for standard settler use? I've been working on a self-built megamod for myself and others in the console crowd since this thing runs like molasses for me on PC, and noticed multiple variants of the sleeping bag where it seems like the workshop one could easily have this flag turned on for use in settlements with kids.


So that's kinda why I'm asking here, because until console modding does hit I can't test it myself. Would make that bed a lot more useful to boot.

Edited by shadow1113
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'Child Can Use' is usually just used on furniture that isn't set as 'RaceToScale'. I believe crafting tables have this deselected and are set to 'RaceToScale' because for the animations to align up you have to be a certain size and it would make kids grow to adult size to use as they use the same skeleton. The child race is simply resized. If you select 'child can use' on objects then make sure 'RaceToScale' isn't also checked or a keyword or anything.

Note this is Skyrim CK knowledge, so it might be outdated on the Fallout 4 CK.

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