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Show - Message any way to input a string variable?


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Hello guys. I can clearly remember that i saw multiple mods for Oblivion, Skyrim and FO NV that was able to input a string variable inside a message box. And not only as a text inside, but also as a buttons. However, it's looks like you can't do that in FO4, the only way i found to input variable, was a float type variable. Without MCM, message box is our only way to allow users to quickly change mod settings while they are in the game. And i want to use that, but how?

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You can use Text Replacement, but that won't work for the buttons on a messagebox.


Thank you for that link. I don't really understand how it works, but i think after several attempts to make it work, i will understand it eventually.



Thank you for answer, but this is not what i mean. I want to have a message box with buttons that i can track down, and i want to be able to change text inside that message box with my script.

Debug.MessageBox has only 1 button, so i can't create a menu with it. That's why there is "Show - Message" (example - int pbutton = MyMessageBox.show() ) in this topic.

But Reneer already answered my question, i just need to understand how it works now.

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Just so you know, you cannot (with vanilla FO4 / Skyrim) put Strings inside Messagebox Buttons (that is one of the things MCM / SkyUI accomplished).

You mention this 3 times, so i already know that, but thanks for reminder. :smile:


Personal Pack Brahmin uses an interface that looks similar to a MessageBox. I haven't looked at the mod code yet, but it might be what you are thinking of.

Thanks, i will check it out, it will save me a lot of time, and help me understand how that thing works a lot quicker.



This mod does not use that function, so i will have to run my own tests, but thanks anyways.

Edited by MadRabbitX
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You can use Text Replacement, but that won't work for the buttons on a messagebox.


The only way to have strings be used in Messagebox Buttons is to wait for MCM / SkyUI to come out for Fallout 4.


Do you have any expamples of this function in work? Because i can't even compile script with it. Even in ReferenceAlias or Quest script type (despite the fact that wiki tells us it should work, especially in ReferenceAlias, since AddTextReplacementData is ObjectReference script). Error is "AddTextReplacementData is not a function or does not exist", so i'm really confused here.

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"Without MCM, message box is our only way to allow users to quickly change mod settings while they are in the game. And i want to use that, but how?"



As i said before, it is easy to change a number in your message box, because this is actually a part of show - message function. As i said before "the only way i found to input variable, was a float type variable", because all arguments inside Show function is a float variables, and i need a string variable (int Function Show(float afArg1 = 0.0, float afArg2 = 0.0, float afArg3 = 0.0, float afArg4 = 0.0, float afArg5 = 0.0,

float afArg6 = 0.0, float afArg7 = 0.0, float afArg8 = 0.0, float afArg9 = 0.0) native), as i said before.

Edited by MadRabbitX
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