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Modeling new room pieces


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I keep dwelling on a mod concept of mine, but it's way too big for me to do alone. I simply cannot model anything, and I tend to make things very complicated... :psyduck:


I want to have a flying airship mansion for the player, so opulent that it makes even a modded Lucky 38 suite look like Megaton. Most of the work would be texturing, but there would need to be new models. I have some experience with GIMP and I know the basics of NifScope, so I can probably get at least a basic texture in-game if there's a model for me to work with. That's a big if, though. Here's what I had in mind:


THe living quarters are suspended between two hulls. The bow is the presidential suite, structured like the dome of a B-29 with more windows (could the existing nose cone piece be modified for this purpose?) The bed is in the tip of the nose, with a staircase behind it lowering to a small office/reading room. Beneath the bed's platform are two bathrooms to either side of the staircase, i.e. it cuts between them. The lounge opens onto a balcony looking something like this:



with a walkway leading over a small dining hall/lounge, to a matching balcony on the other side. This balcony is over a small theatre type thing, and opens to a small, domed, three level rotunda with four suites on the bottom two levels. The suites link to the ones above/below them, for a two level living space. The presidential balcony opens onto the second level, and is across from a spa area modeled in an undersea motif. The level above this is the main dining hall, modeled like olympus/heaven, and across from this (above the pres. Lounge) is a general lounge/bar. The floor beneath the spa is supposedly the hydroponic lab, but it's sealed off and only mentioned.


Behind the spa/dining hall is a glass biome/greenhouse a la the biblical Garden of Eden. The Hydroponics deck supposedly extends beyond/beneath the greenhouse for most of the ship's length, but it's not shown. Basically those lower levels are inaccessible “utility” areas, i.e. where the fuel cells and water tanks are located.


Beyond this is the bridge area, on a third/fourth level. The medical wing is on the second floor beneath the bridge, and beyond this is the armory. The armory is beneath the landing platform, which is directly behind the bridge. This would have a vertibird shuttle on it.




I can add basic textures if I have models to work with, but that's a lot of work and well beyond my abilities.. I can't model anything beyond a sphere, and even that gives me trouble. That said, I can imagine potential applications for existing resources.



I suspect that the windows from the Lucky 38 could be used extensively for the windows in the airship. The panels are flat- might they be separated into single panes and duplicated into a long straight section? At the very least, it could be used for the bridge/lounge/bow sections, which would need to be curved. I've looked over the Dead Money set pieces, but there weren't too many objects that caught my eye. It appears that the archways I'd hoped to utilize are part of the villa walls, i.e. I couldn't place an archway independent of a building. Perhaps the rotunda piece could use some of the DM villas, but it wasn't as overtly useful as I had hoped.


The casino pieces and fountains/furniture from DM look more promising. The spa would probably use resources from the Ultra Luxe. I can't remember seeing any mermen/seashells but I saw a few things (trident? Aquarium? Definitely a piano or two) on nexus that fit in with the various rooms. I can't remember where I saw anything, though, if anyone can point me to the creator(s) then I'll PM him/them for permission.


The Presidential lounge would need a new balcony/archway model to fit with its room design. SIerra Madre's casino had something to that effect but I'm not sure how it would fit with whatever other room parts are used. Also, the rotunda would need new models, I was thinking an octagonal shape would be easier than a round one. The Lucky 38 has a few diagonal wall pieces, IIRC.


The vanilla B-29 nose cone has a few details that wouldn't mesh well for the bow, but could it serve as a base model?


The bridge would almost certainly use the Lucky 38 window panels for the windows, but I'm uncertain as to the design of the bridge itself. I have a vague image of a gleaming Star Trek type bridge looking out over the Mojave Wasteland, but aside from the large windows, an organic CPU and a giant map of the world there aren't too many specifics that I can grasp.


THe med-bay and armory could probably be built with existing vanilla resources, though getting them to mesh with whatever doorways would be used with the adjacent rooms might be tricky.


The greenhouse poses a ticklish problem. I don't recall seeing many trees or plants in the Mojave, and cacti/palm trees don't exactly fit the "Garden of Eden" motif. The windows above the Greenhouse would be hard. Maybe one could use a barn set as a base? I honestly have no idea whether it would be possible (or even legal- can vanilla models/textures be modded for a mod? :confused: )

to modify an existing object or if it would be better to just start from scratch... I just don't know.


The bathrooms in the bridge area sound difficult; the theatre could be relocated or removed to make room for them. The staircase is big enough as it is. Perhaps if it was like the above image, a single BR/small theatre might be in the center?


I THINK that the domes that would be used for the rotunda would be the hardest, but they aren't too necessary- really, this is a lot to ask for, especially given that I don't have anything aside from words and ideas to back it up. I'd be satisfied with getting even a single room done, as taht would be one room more than I have right now.


The landing platform wouldn't be too hard. There's a vertibird in vanilla, right? There are several wooden deck pieces from a casino (Gomorrah?) maybe the texture could be applied to a new deck, or the floor pieces could be used on there own.


That's it, really. It sounds so simple on paper...

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