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Bethesda threatens Minecraft creator with lawyers


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Lawyers being lawyers. I'm surprised they didn't try to sue the makers of the Call of Duty series for infringing on the name of Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth.

Or Call of Juarez. Or Call of Pripyat. :P

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Bethesda is starting to annoy me. they are still in that lawsuit about someone making a Fallout MMO. idc if a Fallout MMO would bomb, i would love to see it. idr the specifics about it, but they seem to get their panties in a bunch over a lot of crap

They are sueing the company that they purchased the IP for Fallout from. I do think that the recent lawsuit is a little uncalled for, but the Fallout MMO is trying to be developed by Interplay, the original creators of Fallout. Sorry, I was not sure if you knew this or not so I was just pointing it out :thumbsup:.

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Bethesda is starting to annoy me. they are still in that lawsuit about someone making a Fallout MMO. idc if a Fallout MMO would bomb, i would love to see it. idr the specifics about it, but they seem to get their panties in a bunch over a lot of crap

They are sueing the company that they purchased the IP for Fallout from. I do think that the recent lawsuit is a little uncalled for, but the Fallout MMO is trying to be developed by Interplay, the original creators of Fallout. Sorry, I was not sure if you knew this or not so I was just pointing it out :thumbsup:.



The Bethesda vs Interplay lawsuit is more based around certain agreed upon contract obligations not being met, but this thing concerning Mojang screams over zealous legal department more then actual malice by Bethesda as a whole.

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Bethesda/Zenimax went full retard on this one, now raging minecraft fanboys and bleeding heart activists are joining forces to begin a titan flamewar, all of this is ruining Skyrim's image, since more and more people are going to pirate the hell out of it in the name of emperor Notch.

I hope this doesn't actually go to court because i wouldn't want Mojang or Bethesda gone.

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Just because they are going to name a game Scrolls does not automatically mean everyone is going to associate it with The Elder Scrolls.


It's just like saying Activision suing Techland because they have Call in their Call of Juarez games and they assume everyone is going to associate it with their Call of Duty franchise.

Edited by N3C14R
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Bethesda/Zenimax went full retard on this one, now raging minecraft fanboys and bleeding heart activists are joining forces to begin a titan flamewar, all of this is ruining Skyrim's image, since more and more people are going to pirate the hell out of it in the name of emperor Notch.

I hope this doesn't actually go to court because i wouldn't want Mojang or Bethesda gone.


Bethesda is quite popular too, if not even more so. And even if this was serious, I really doubt that they would win this at a court.


I think we all have seen the "when will oblivion2 come out?" questions before skyrim was announced...

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I like both Mojang and Bethesda so I hope this doesn't reach court, but I hate how Notch turned into Jesus all of the sudden, Notch might be good, but the minecraft modders have long outdone him, some of them update their mods every week as a hobby, Notch updates the game once in 3 months and he gets millions out of it.


I doubt Bethesda just decided to sue Notch just for having a "scrolls" name, there are hundreds of games with the word "Scrolls" in their title, its a bit retarded to pick one of the most popular indie producers to sue. There is probably a lot more going on here behind the scenes, I hope we get a word from Bethesda on this one, and I hope my craving for lulz does not make me kill any innocent Notch worshippers.


Regardless of what happens, im still going to buy Skyrim.

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