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a demented dilemma


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so my evil character is tackling Shivering Isles (my good-ish character is currently distracted by the intriguing Malevolent mod storyline) and I've reached the point where I need to pick who to kill and replace

on the one hand since my character is an evil psychopath, ruling Dementia seems highly appropriate

on the other hand since my character is an evil psychopath she'd really want to kill that annoying drug-addled loony and turn Mania into a pit of misery like Dementia which she feels is already on the right track...

decisions decisions...


I wonder if there's a way to kill both... (if it's a spoiler that you get to kill one *later* but cannot yet, please don't tell me. but if there's a way to kill both now then please let me know)

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yeah I didn't think I'd be able to make such huge changes, I was just thinking from a roleplaying character motivation thing. but I think I'll go with Dementia. I'll be taking my good(ish) character through Shivering Isles as well so no need to save to do both, I'll do Mania on another character
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