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Low to the Ground


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I was sure I'd seen a topic or two about this issue, but I have Googled repeatedly and can't find it. I would like to know how to fix the fact that I swaer my toon is about to fall on his face, he's so close to the ground in 1st person - either that or the size of things (doors, grass, trees, npc's, gates, etc) is really inconsistent and disorienting. Any thoughts and/or can anyone take mercy on me and point me in the right direction? Thanks much!! Edited by silverbluemoon
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go into 3rd person, and open the console (` or ~) and type




look at yourself in that mode and you can see all of yourself. Then press whatever button is set to toggle 1st and 3rd person (R i think, i remapped mine).


It should show just your torso, see if the gap above your head is approx. level with your 3rd person self, or if your torso moves down a lot. Usually it's down to your persons height, a lot of people in Oblivion are small.

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