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White hot ejected shell casings?


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Why? Shell casings aren't hot when they are ejected.. i do skeet shooting, and hunting every year, and the shells from my 12 gauge aren't hot.. Same for my desert eagle, and .357.. I guess the point is in real life they aren't hot. Atleast nowhere near hot enough to be glowing red, let alone white.. for metal to glow white it would have to be around 2500 kelvins if my math is right.. And at that temperature the gun wouldn't even work because the gun powder would ignite prematurely, and the chamber would bend and deform under the heat.
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Why? Shell casings aren't hot when they are ejected.. i do skeet shooting, and hunting every year, and the shells from my 12 gauge aren't hot.. Same for my desert eagle, and .357.. I guess the point is in real life they aren't hot. Atleast nowhere near hot enough to be glowing red, let alone white.. for metal to glow white it would have to be around 2500 kelvins if my math is right.. And at that temperature the gun wouldn't even work because the gun powder would ignite prematurely, and the chamber would bend and deform under the heat.


Thanks for the info. Though, to be honest, realism was never the point of the idea. I thought it would be fun from an aesthetic standpoint to play with in the game, especially for something like taking screenshots at night. If the glow of ejected casings illuminated someone's face just enough to make out finer details, it could pave the way for some great pictures.


Though, I'm guessing light-sourcing might be an issue there and that it would be difficult to make shells cast apparent light on other objects.

Edited by xaliqen
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