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Enhancing Morrowind's roleplaying experience


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In a roleplaying game, you roleplay in the game. Wowzers. But it goes on beyond the technical side. It involves the imagination as well like D&D, Magic: The Gathering, etc. How can we better roleplay in Morrowind's evironment? Feel free to add onto this list:


1. If you swim with clothes on, they obviously get wet. There's a 4 hour penalty

until they're dry again, and you can wear them once again.

2. Discover a trade and work on that skill aka alchemy, repairing and sell it, etc.

3. Work for shops. Find what they are looking for and gain profit.

4. When multiclassing, and working with a certain class guild, wear the appropriate

clothing/armor for their quests.

5. If you fall and loose health, only walk short distances due to a sprained ankle

with a penalty of eight in-game hours.

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Could you be a little clearer as to the purpose of this thread. We already have a Morrowind wish list thread to which I believe you have posted. It would not be appropriate to start another one as that is still current.


If you are telling us what you do to make the game seem more real and are asking if others do different things the question needs to be made more obvious. Viz 'I do these things to make the game more realistic, what do you do?'


If you mean something else entirely then I have missed the point.


Could you clarify please.



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This thread is for Morrowind players to simply state how they like roleplaying in their game. If they found some fun ways how to roleplay, they can list it on here so others may try it out. AKA he enjoys working for a alchemy shop to find potions and sell it as a job. He would share about his roleplay experience so others may try that.
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I tend to stay out of the rain as much as possible, or set up camp eith my tent and stuff so i won't be getting wet. Only on seriuosly important quests am i gonna walk around all night in a thunderstorm!!!!


As for changing clothes to fit the faction ur working for...i think my character just does what he does, although i can see where the fun would be in it, nut i dont think many of the non armour clothing in the game is really thet good, i tend to stick with plain common shirts and just a pair of black trousers :)


However even i find myself taking to a robe when i'm stopping by the temple for any length of time, or if i'm gonna be in a city for more than an hour or two (which isnt often, unless i'm in Mournhold)


But i think its important to do stuff like that, really let ur character LIVE, rather than just being a buch of pixels in an artificial world

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Here's some stuff that I normally do in most RPGs, Morrowind included, even if the game does not enforce such rules.


- Eat at least twice a day.

- Sleep at night, or after a long trek/quest

- Remove armor and heavy items before swimming

- Fight with a dagger or similar appropriate weapon if fighting while swimming

- Don't run everywhere, walk *

- Don't use skills just for the sake of practice *

- Don't use "meta-game knowledge", i.e. stuff that you know but your character would not, such as going to dungeon X because you know from playing another character that a useful item is found there *

- Don't join obviously conflicting factions *


* These are the rules I follow in Morrowind. I used to follow all these rules in Morrowind's predecessor, Daggerfall. For some reason, Morrowind seems less 'realistic' to me. I am not sure why, but it does not give me the same incentive to roleplay. It could be the main quest, which sort of sets your character up to be 'above' everyone else, or maybe it is because no-one else eats, sleeps, sits etc.

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Morrowind was (and still is) the only RPG I fell in love with. Much of what you're talking about aren't more than considerable changes that, in time, should appear in next revolutionary RPG's (like Morrowind was, nobody can deny it).


Why am I going to eat if my char doesn't have hungry? Why am I going to sleep if my char doesn't need health or mana? Why should I take my steel armour off when I'm going to water if I won't drown?


I know this isn't realistic, but it's the way this game is, and I love it...

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Well said, Dijas. It's up to each person to take the game and change it as they wish. There are so many mods out there that some of the things requested can already be done and some can be designed in by the gamer.


I take the game as it is, for what it offers, knowing that in time new games will offer more and more. But taking one's armour off to swim because it is too heavy also means that you cannot carry it in water, so you can't put it on again afterwards since you can't have it with you. Having to eat often is fine but at some point you'd blow up since there is no way of getting rid of the waste. Others may find it more fun to make their characters do these things, fine. But if I choose not to put reality where it was never meant to be, it doesn't make my approach less valid.


One concern I have for the future is that games might become so complex that they become careers to play rather than fun.

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You mentioned about carrying armor while trying to swim in water...

- You already are slower when you carry armor. So basically you're swimming slower as well, including walking, swimming, and running. Depending on your race/class, some armor can help, and some armor can be a nightmare to try on at first. Plus, it lowers your dexterity and you have a tougher time swinging and dodging. There seems to be a minimal effect from what I've seen, but it's there. So because it slows you down, I feel it's fine to swim across with armor.


Malchik, It's fine if you want to play as-is from what the game offers, but this thread is for those who wish to practice roleplaying in their virtual world beyond what the game offers. Sure, mods help, but the imagination still serves a role as in previous games.

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Concerning the removing heavy armor before you swim, it wouldent really matter because it would still be in your inventory, allthough the idea makes sense being able to move easyier, removing it before you sleep would make sense too. The one thing I think would enhance MW is more realistic acting NPC's
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