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Mod Items and their base IDs


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Hey guys, I'm sorry if this has already been answered elsewhere, but I failed to find it.


But say I have a new Armour or weapon from a mod, let's say the reinforced chinese stealth suit on newvegasnexus. If i wanted to find out its Base ID so I could add a few of them into the game for my companions and such, how would I find out its Base ID?


Also is it even possible to multiply items from mods using console commands? (player.additem)


Because there's stuff from mods i really like, but you only tend to get one of each.


thankyou, and sorry about the rant (:

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Two ways:


Either use NVEdit and load the esp of the mod. Once loaded, you can find every item the mod adds and it's details. There you can also find every BaseID.


Or, in case you got NVSE (New Veags Script Extender) installed, drop the item on the floor, bring up the console, target the item by left-clicking it and type "gbo". The BaseID of the object gets displayed and you can add it via the player.additem command as much as you like!

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