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Troubleshooting for dummies like me, can anyone help?


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To who ever is nice enough to take the time out of their day to help me.


My problem is, I'm honestly dumb when it comes to computers, Google has become my best friend at deciphering anything I don't understand, but sometimes that can be more confusing. I'm having problems getting the Ozmo's Hi Res Skin Textures to work. I've already tried using "Ozmo's Hi Res Skin Textures: A step by step guide!" --> (http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/308232-ozmos-hi-res-skin-textures-a-step-by-step-guide/). I followed the directions exactly as he wrote them and had no issues loading them into the OBMM. No error messages came up after the compressing sage or anything, and I can activate them just fine, but nothing changes. I read in the comments that I need the original HGEC female body replacer mod --> OMOD --> (http://modsreloaded.com/hg-eyecandy-body) and it doesn't work at all. I put the mod into the OBMM, and it compresses fine, and what ever, but when I activate it, nothing happens. =[ My character remains the vanilla version. Absolutely nothing has changed. I looked around for other OMODs, and I found the Exnem's Female Body Replacer (Nude) --> (http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=10171). When I loaded this mod into the OBMM, it had conflicting errors with the Ozmo's HGEC body replacer, and it isn't compatible with Ozmo's. Exnem's mod did however make the characters nude, but when I loaded my custom class (the mystic elf race) the genitalia region turned the same color as the skin. Of course, I Google that error too, and it said that I had to download and update, but when I clicked on the link, it said the page didn't exist anymore. I tried looking through Googles suggestions, but I couldn't find anything. Everyone said to download Ozmo's pack, which frustrates me because I can't get it to work.


So, what I'm asking for is a step by step walk through on how exactly I get the Ozmo's mod to work. Before mods, after mods, and updates. A list of everything i need. Pictures would help. And extremely simple would help too. =]


P.S. Google said that it could be my OS on my computer, but it's not. --> Windows 7.


Thank you for all your help, I really appreciate it.

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