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Need aKarma and Faction Reputation Scale


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I'm doing a quest where NPC's need to base their responses on the player's Karma, and also the player's Reputation with certain factions. I wondered if there is a definitive numeric scale for these somewhere?


I've seen some examples in GECK and it appears that Karma goes from around -750 to +750 on a linear scale.


Faction reputation seems to be on the order of -7.5 to +7.5 or something, but I'm not certain I'm reading the examples right, plus faction is a 2-dimensional matrix that measures good and bad deeds together.


Is there a definitive guide somewhere with the actual numeric scale and the threshold values for "good", "very good," "accepted," "liked," etc...?


In particular with faction, if you have the maximum number of good and bad deeds would you still be considered "trusted" by the faction, according to the standard game mechanics? Any discussion of reputation theory in addition to an actual numeric scale would be a bonus.



Edited by drakeelvin
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Don't use numeric values for karma in your dialogue conditions, use the globals (KarmaGood, KarmaEvil, KarmaVeryGood, KarmaVeryEvil) instead.


That way if another mod changes karma settings, your dialouge will still work correctly.


As for reputation... the function you want is getReputationThreshold, which isn't documented on the GECK wiki but there is some useful info here:


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@void_gazer, thanks!


You are absolutely right about GetReputationThreshhold, I noticed all the faction reputations use that in existing dialogues. What I did was just followed the examples used by many dialogues I am familiar with and kept it simple. As long as the player has done some good and hasn't been overly bad the dialogues will be available. The faction will consider there is hope for the player, something like that.


Thank you also for the heads up on the globals! I guess that is similar in a way to the timescale, how some mods can change timesale but using GameDaysPassed will always return the correct value regardless of time acceleration mods, and you can always break that down to hours by dividing 1.0 by 24.0, and further break it into minutes by dividing the hours by 60.0. That's the method I've been using, and it works the best.


For some decisions I'm going to use the progress with the factions. There are progress measurements for NCR, Legion and House, and if I read the GECK right the value of 30 seems to be a critical point. This progress indicator is tied to the quests you do for the big three factions. If you go too far with one, others could become your enemies.


That may work better especially because wikia indicates some known bugs with faction reputation being calculated incorrectly in certain cases.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Karma goes from -1000 to 1000 in the default game (the maximum and minimum can change in mods).


Reputation has two different sections - fame and infamy. Each goes from 0 to the reputation's max number (set in the GECK and varies by reputation, so that some reputations are easier to get up than others)


The different reputation names, like "Wild Child" or whatever, are determined by which threshold you have passed in the fame and infamy. The thresholds are determined by game settings. For example, if you are 15% of the way on the fame scale with a faction (15 fame out of 100 or 3 fame out of 20, for example) and 0% of the way on the infamy scale, and the game setting for the first threshold remains 0.15 (15%), you will earn the title "accepted"


It's kind of confusing but I hope this helps.


I know a lot about the reputation system from my mod New Vegas Replayability by Dandys



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Thanks for the input @Dandys, yes I had learned that in the game settings there are threshholds, and also settings that allow you to modify reputation by varying amounts, and those settings are what to examine so that if a mod changes them then things will remain consistent. I did my mod in a pretty simple way since it was the first one to use reputation, I just limited it to having done some good and not having done anything seriously bad and it worked out well.


My main concern was I've read on wiki there are reputation bugs associated with using faction armor and TMK they are still around. I've had some very strange results from wearing NCR uniforms, for example the Ranger armor from Station Charlie that you get free is a darn nice armor that early in the game.


But if I do another such quest I know where in GECK to look now.

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Yeah, I had read that too. However, in the game where I was with the Legion, towards the end I kept getting the same NCR reputation warnings over and over and over again becaue I was using the Patrol Armor and later on the Ranger Combat armor as a disguise, and even when I'd take it off (to inventory) and kill yet another NCR trooper somewhere I'd get the message that I'm vilified again.


So something is really wierd about how the game tracks reputations.


That was my biggest concern with the Layla companion for Clintster's Jacobstown retreat because I didn't want to disqualify anyone from hiring her due to a game bug that migh not allow a higher NCR rep. So I just set it up so that as long as the player had not done anything really bad to the NCR, and at least also had good speech, they could hire her even if their NCR rep did somehow get hosed down by a glitch.

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