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Skeleton Not Working


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I have the Steam Version of the game (not sure if that's an issue), and I can't get this to work http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=35109


The breasts and ass just have melted stretchy textures. Now I went ahead before hand and installed this http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=27945


Still melty T and A...


So I figured it was because I didn't have a Khajit HGEC texture.. well after shopping around I found one.. but when I installed it, my Khajit Female didn't change in appearance at all. Oh and I checked the outfit...


Melty T and A, which tells me the skeleton mod didn't change a damn thing about the game.



So I'm in the process of re-installing the game. Anyone have any idea what went wrong?


The only other mods I was using were the "Liches and Lycans" mod.. which I'd post but am having trouble locating at this moment in time.


I'm using the Steam Version of the game, does it just not work with Steam?

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First, make sure Steam isn't in the \Program Files directory. Windows UAC prevents a lot of mods from working. Use this guide to uninstall Oblivion, move Steam following this guide, then reinstall Oblivion.


Second make sure you use some kind of Archive Invalidation or replacement textures won't appear. OBMM and Wrye Bash both have Archive Invalidation abilities and I'd recommend "Redirection" as you only have to do it once.

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