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The future of Oblivion Modding.


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I'm starting to wonder with the release of Skyrim in a few months will people just up and stop modding and playing Oblivion completely? I myself tend to stick with old games quite often. What are your thoughts? Will the community just move on completely or will we keep modding Oblivion like we have Morrowind?
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I doubt it, maybe gradually in time. But there will always be a specific group of people who will stay true to their self and love Oblivion and still play it. Todd Howard put it best he said not all fans will like Skyrim, they may still think Oblivion is better or Morrowind is better.
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Well, there are still mods released for Fallout 3, even though NV has been out since last year, and there are STILL Morrowind mods being made, although Oblivion is, what, 5 years old? I don't think Oblivion mods will up and die over night.


Also, I guess it depends on how quickly available and how similar NifSkope will be.


On one hand, if it doesn't cost much effort to import the mesh for Oblivion too, meh, some of us will still do some stuff. I've ported a couple of my New Vegas melee weapons back to Oblivion recently, although, I won't lie, I don't really play it much any more. Mostly because if I have a mesh anyway, and I figure someone might like it, it's not all that much extra effort to make an Oblivion .nif out of it too. I can't imagine it being too different once Skyrim gets released. If it's fairly easy to make the same mesh as an Oblivion mesh, some people will do it, and you can at least try to request what they don't anyway.


On the other hand, if it takes a long time to get NifSkope working with the new .nif version -- and I understand that it's hard work and all to update it -- then some of us may make meshes for the old game for a while just because, you know, we like making meshes.

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