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The freezing, and nothing works.


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I have read through many pages, AND I have the same problem with Oblivion, which also I have never fixed despite posting about it, I gave up and now just stare at my oblivion icon with more than 150 hours put into that game /sigh.


To think that just a driver update from version 250.3 for my Nvidia would cause me to hate my computer so much.



But basically here's what I've done so far, I have reinstalled it clean, and yes it is the GOTY edition for 10 bucks.


-Changed both correct .ini files.

-Turned off all possible codecs/filters that exist

-Reinstalled and reupdated ALL of my drivers that exist on my computer, my Nvidia is sitting at version 275.

-I have tried not using any radio station.

-Reinstalled the game, made sure to clean out the hard drive.

-Tried Compatibility mode in every possible mode that there was.

-Turned off all of my DLC

-Tried to run it with the un-official patch and without.


It's the same goddamn stupid culprit, the first symptom is at the main menu where you pick out New game, load, or watch the credits option thing the regular background music does not run, which is also the same exact thing in Oblivion. When both are played, it's fine for 10 min's at max, then I lose all control of input to the game, except audio still plays, and if I was moving I'd still be moving, just have no control, and for some magical reason even the FPS improves.



Note I tried all graphical setting that I could play with, windowed, low, dead low, and medium, unfortunatley I am only running a 330m video card, pretty damn old but good enough since it played New vegas just fine (The horrors of the bugs in that game >.>)


So now that you know my story, I hope I get some help, the main moderater the old hand tried to help me with oblivion, but I gave up, hopefully if you're reading this you'd be able to help me with this god forsaken pos.



On a side note, I noticed one thread that had a guy with the same problem as me, however he only got rid of his Vodei codec, I don't have anything like that despite having software that detects them.



My spec-



Intel Core I-7

6 gigs of RAM

330m Gefore

Windows 7

1.7 Ghrz, can be overclocked but it overheats like a mutha.

Sony vaio, F-series.



Thanks a lot for any help, David.


Edit 1: Almost forgot to mention that ffdshow is completely turned off, and it is under bypass for Oblivion, and FL3.

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davidline - Hello!


Have you got AC3Filter installed? A lot of video, audio, burners, etc. use it.


It can cause radio stutter but has also been blamed for CTDs.


If you have got AC3Filter, go to your Start Menu - All Programs & find it's folder.


Run AC3Filter Config in the Config window that comes up got to System.


In System look for "Default Audio renderer". That has two settings, Use "Direct Sound by default" & "Use Wave Out by default".


With my Creative card & Alchemy I have to use Direct Sound by default or else I get radio stutter.


If I don't use Alchemy I have to use "Use Wave Out by default".


Basically whichever one you see in use when you check it, change to the other setting & see if it fixes your problem.


In the same System window is a "Filter Merit" heading with two settings, "Prefer AC3Filter" &

Prefer other decoder".


Again, changing this can help. Note, to change that particular setting on Win7 you have to first right click on AC3Filter Config & "Run as administrator" to call it up or else it won't allow it to be changed.


I know you said you used the .ini fix but just to double check, the .ini you want for Win7 is:


Users\ YOUR NAME \Documents\My Games\Fallout3


The file you want is called:




Open it & change this line:








& insert this line under it:




Save & close your ini.


Since you're on Win7, is your Fallout 3 in program files?


If it is, check your Fallout 3/Data folder for files/folders with little padlocks on. If you find any, move them onto the Desktop & back EXACTLY where they came from. This should remove the padlock & allow the files to work properly.


The fact that your title music is sometimes missing tends to point to audio trouble. Make sure your audio drivers are up to date & suitable for your system.


A handy program that allows you to easily enable/disable Codecs on your computer is:





With a bit of trial & error, you may find a troublesome codec.


Hope this helps!



Edited by prensa
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Thanks for the reply Prensa, I justalmost resolved the issue.


Funny thing about it the fact that I did not even have AC3Filter on my comp, so I got desperate and tried what you told me to do exactly the same. I'm not sure if it is one of the codecs/programs that make it work then so be it.


Well, I was soooo happy at one point that it was running, and it ran for 2 straight hours no problem, so I exited, loaded my DLC and unofficial patch just in case, what do ye know, it freezes, again, I am so mad at this game and this company right now it's not even funny.


Anyhow I playing with the codecs, and AC3Filter, and this combo is what was the sweet spot for...the short time that I could enjoy it.


Back to square one, also I just noticed that my Fallout ini file in the steam folder is missing, strange...


Anyhow, should I continue adding more codecs and see if it works...somehow..magically...again? Or should I go in some other direction like redoing Windows 7?




I have the following codecs running and it did not crash even once, although music still was not working, odd.



-Ac3Filter ACM codec

-Fraunhofer IIS MPEG Layer-3 Codec

-Messenger Audio Codec













-vorbis Decoder

-Vorbis Encoder

-Xvid MPEG-4 Video Decoder.



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davidline - Hello!


"Well, I was soooo happy at one point that it was running, and it ran for 2 straight hours no problem, so I exited"


Well, at least that's a step in the right direction! :)


"Anyhow, should I continue adding more codecs and see if it works"


If you mean downloading more codec packs I'd say no. While it's possible more codec could help, they could also clutter up things. You got it to work once.


You say you installed the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch? If you're using the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp that needs to have a bug fixed or else it causes CTD's at & around Rivet City.


I posted a fix using FO3Edit in the Discussion section here:




Look for:


Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp Rivet City area CTD fix


Also bear in mind Unofficial Fallout 3 DLC Patches need the DLC's to be in your Fallout 3 data folder:


"-The Unofficial DLC Patches will ONLY work if the DLC's are in your \Fallout 3\Data\ folder otherwise using them will crash your game. If you want to move the DLC's out of G4WL then simply do a file seach in your "C:\Documents and Settings" for *.esm" (make sure the option "Search hidden files and folders" is checked) once found simply cut and paste them into your \Fallout 3\Data\ folder and enable them like any other plugin."


"Back to square one, also I just noticed that my Fallout ini file in the steam folder is missing, strange..."


I don't use Steam, is your .ini not in:


Users\ YOUR NAME \Documents\My Games\Fallout3


Like normal Fallout 3?


"what do ye know, it freezes, again,"


Is it locking up in game? Because that points to the multi core bug which should be fixed by applying that .ini tweak.


Where does it freeze now? In game or right at the start?


Does it go bak to working if you remove the DLC's & Unofficial Patch?


Hope this helps!



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Despite the fact that I got it working, I was foolish enough to add my DLC's and the unofficial patch, when I removed them my input was still freezing within the 10 min mark.



All of the DLC, including the mod are in the correct folder, which is the steam folder /Data.


The .ini file within my documents is still there, however the old Fallout_default.ini is missing, I knew I did, or tried the multiple core fix on both of the ini files.


And yes I just triple checked, the ini folder in my documents does include the multi-core fix.


It doesn't matter if it's day night, if I am inside of a place or outside, fighting, or just standing still (I was doing the moira survival guide quest to stand in the pool of raidiation) it still freezes all input and nothing can be done except Alt-f4. The freeze to be more concrete is where all audio, or even the game continues playing as it should however I, myself am frozen from doing anything, I can't even pull up the console. And the background music in the main menu is still not working, so I am getting less and less options now to try and fight this problem :(.


Thanks a lot, David.

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