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EVE Components Not Working With FWE


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I've recently begun to play with FWE (didn't start new game, just loaded up), I'm also using EVE and Project Beauty. Before running FWE, all of my EVE components were working perfectly (sights, sounds, whiz-bang-flesh-melty-fun and so forth). But after installing FWE, certain components of EVE are missing, for instance: the Firelance is now a rusty-red color and doesn't make a sound. Also bodies, living and dead, no longer disintegrate. I did what was suggested, made a merged patch, Master-Updated, used the most recent FOIP versions, and suggested load order, and still it doesn't work.


I know EVE's just a cosmetic change but I still like it.



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You could always try downloading the Paradox Ignition's Merged Version of EVE along with Remastered. Together they provide a new, cleaned version of EVE and complete compatibility between the two. If you have any other files that depend on EVE that might not work for you, but if it's just FWE and EVE you're having a problem with, Paradox Ignition's version along with the compat patches in Fallout Remastered will set you right up.
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