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Easy mode not easy anymore


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Since I installed patch 1.04 i hve the feeling, that the Game did not became easier on Easy, as how it should be accourding to the description, but more harder. For example today I started a new game as a Dalish-Mage (using a Mod to play the Dalish origin as a Mage) and even in the early game the opponents were very hard. In Ostagar on the top of the tower every of my characters died mostly a One-Hit-Death against the Ogre and even by modifying Alistair Str and Dex with the Toolset to 42 and with strong Mod Items equipped I needed about half an hour on Easy.

I cannot remember that is was so hard the first time I played the game on 1.0

There are no gameplay changing mods installed, too, just some Item mods like Grey Warden runic Armor for Arcane warriors or the Phoenix armory, some Face and Chargen mods and a few retexture mods.

This does not seem normal for me.


(Sorry if theres is some bad english in what I have written, i am from germany)



EDIT: I am now in Lotheringen fighting some spiders and I have more and more the feeling, that it is not an issue of the difficulty but that my Enemies somehow have now a lot more Hitpoints because my Sten does about 33 Damgage and a Spider hit by him only looses about 5-10% of their lifebar

Edited by schroedibabe
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