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The Quakecon video


Is it worth all the secrecy?  

36 members have voted

  1. 1. Is it worth all the secrecy?

    • Yes, I think so
    • No, they're aren't hiding anything we didn't already know, it's just in more detail

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I couldn't get a straight answer from someone who went to Quakecon and saw it live but I've been curious about all the "Please don't leak this, and we may or may not release to to the public when and if we feel like it teehee' attitude Bethesda has regarding it. I did see about 75 percent of it on Youtube before it was pulled, but unless there was something we missed in that last 25 percent, I don't see the big deal.


If it had stuff that they still aren't sure will work properly in it, then I could understand. If it was new content--not just stuff seen before shown in different ways/slightly longer footage--I could understand it. This goes back to the hype discussion I suppose, but I guess I expected all sorts of new stuff we hadn't seen: NPC interaction,all the races in good detail, not just dark blurry screen grabs, stuff like that.


Kind of reminds me of how a movie director's cut is supposed to be more shocking, more scary, etc. and it's really just 'Oh they put back in a spring-loaded cat jump scare!'


So what do you all think?

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I think there's nothing new that's gonna really have our jaws on the floor :( I'm not getting worked up any more like I was when I first heared about skyrim. Anyone who's hoping and anticipating something amazings being hidden from us, is going to sadly be very disappointed!
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There were a few new bits of information in the presentation, all of them minor though:


1. Dark Brotherhood is back, though we already knew this. Todd showed off a letter in the inventory with the black hand symbol on it that says "We know." The guy who wrote the DB storyline in Oblivion also wrote the Skyrim one.


2. The magic tab. The spells have damage, cost, and skill level right there in the spell description, so it's more likely than not just static like Oblivion's. We also see the Frenzy spell, which is apparently still uselessly level dependent like Oblivion's illusion spells. We also see that floor traps, area explosions, self-apply, and single-target spells are different spells, rather than the same spell being cast a different way (as stated in earlier material on the magic system). There are also no new passive effect spells: To get a continuous effect, you have to keep the spell equipped and hold down the trigger, draining mana continuously. So you can't just cast one high-level Detect Life spell and be set for the whole dungeon. Spells can be learned from tomes that you find in dungeons, but it isn't clear whether this is the only method of learning them or what happens if you find a duplicate tome. Finally, we see two new spell effects that weren't in previous games: Circle of Protection, which makes an area that Undead can't enter from Todd's description (but personally I couldn't notice it doing anything), and Chain Lightning which bounces off of surfaces.


3. Dialogue is truly real-time. We saw in the E3 demo that the guy in Riverwood kept working when you talked to him, but honestly I assumed it was just a thing of animation and you were still frozen in place until you exited the conversation. Not so: What was cut from the E3 demo is Todd walks away from him before the dialogue finished, and he kept talking. It's not clear how this will affect quests: The player can potentially walk away in the middle of a quest-giving conversation before they finish telling the player what they need to know. How will the game handle situations like this? We don't know.


4. Water now has a beautiful ripple effect and, as we've seen before, flows. Except in the presentation Todd jumped into the water, and the character was quickly whisked away, meaning the flowing is not purely graphical as was once thought.

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I was at the presentation and honestly I don't see what all the secrecy was about. All it was an extended version of the stuff we've already seen. Nothing major was really revealed that we didn't already know about. The only thing I'm worried about is the fact that the new engine just looks like an upgraded version of the old engine. The fighting animations are pretty clunky still and at times it seems exactly like the old engine. I also noticed how Todd completely avoided going inside while it was raining after he used the storm call. Instead of going down the steps to the lower portion of the fort he jumped off the top. Seems like to me they didn't want to reveal that rain still falls through solid objects like in Oblivion.
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My guess is legal stuffs and someone being given access to do the official press release.


The part that really makes you laugh is how none of the videos even budge when Todd asks people to stop recording. I'm guessing they won't go so far as to try and trust people like that again.

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The part that really makes you laugh is how none of the videos even budge when Todd asks people to stop recording. I'm guessing they won't go so far as to try and trust people like that again.


I skipped through the parts before the game actually started, so I didn't catch that. That's really interesting then: Do they not want free advertising for their products?


The only thing I'm worried about is the fact that the new engine just looks like an upgraded version of the old engine.


Well, what exactly were you expecting? A total overhaul of the series into a turn-based JRPG? A top-down RTS? A dating sim? I for one am glad that they're sticking to the basic formula that made Morrowind and Oblivion so enjoyable.


The fighting animations are pretty clunky still and at times it seems exactly like the old engine. I also noticed how Todd completely avoided going inside while it was raining after he used the storm call. Instead of going down the steps to the lower portion of the fort he jumped off the top. Seems like to me they didn't want to reveal that rain still falls through solid objects like in Oblivion.


Now that you mention it, all the stuff talked about with the dynamic accumulation was snow... but it would be pretty stupid to have that kind of system for snow and not for rain.

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Well, what exactly were you expecting? A total overhaul of the series into a turn-based JRPG? A top-down RTS? A dating sim? I for one am glad that they're sticking to the basic formula that made Morrowind and Oblivion so enjoyable.


I think you misunderstood what I was trying to say. I meant that it looks pretty outdated and it has some nice new graphical features to cover most of that up. I didn't want them to completely change what made the previous games awesome. I just think a lot of people are misjudging what this new creation engine actually is. We're not getting Assassin's Creed mixed with The Elder Scrolls. I really hope Bethesda proves me wrong though. Regardless, Skyrim is going to be awesome and in my opinion the best candidate to win game of the year.

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I'm just as excited for Skyrim as the next person, and I'm going to soak up every bit of info that I can if it's available. But personally, I'm glad they're keeping a lot of it low-key because it would take a lot of the fun out of it if I already know what every second of it will be like. I'd rather have a little mystery.


Also, giving little bits of info here and there keeps people guessing, and keeps people talking about it (this forum is a prime example). What better advertising is there than people talking about Skyrim non-stop? Laying it all out there at once gives some people a chance to say "eh, I don't like it" and then that's the end of the discussion.


Edit: As for the main topic, I don't think there is anything in the QC video that is going to blow our minds. Again, I think the secrecy is mainly to keep people discussing it.

Edited by Subvert5
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