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Random Missing Mesh

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falloutperson416 - Hello!


I answered your PM but I thought I'd also post it here too in case it helps!


Almost certainly caused by a mod.


My suspicion would be the Destruction mod.


Have you got the two hotfixes under Updates:




Destruction V6-1 - HOTFIX


Destruction V6-1 - Mesh Fix


They MUST be installed AFTER either the FOMOD or manual installation.


They even say "Should fix errors within metros" & "Fix incase you have missing meshes or textures because of this mod" so it sounds like a very likely candidate for you troubles!


If that turns out not to be the culprit, you'll have to do a bit of detective work.


Untick your mods one at a time, checking in between to see if the tables & metro are back to normal. That way you'll be able to isolate the culprit.


You can narrow down your search for the mod causing it with FO3Edit:




Open FO3Edit & let it load up your mods, in the Editor ID box at the top (NOT the FormID one) copy & paste in:




There'll be a slight pause, when it's done FO3Edit will have located Table01 & will present it's detailes on the right.


Unde the details on the right, at the bottom click on the "Referenced By" button.


This will display all the mods making changes or use of Table01 & thus will give you some ideas of what mods to swap out first.


Hope this helps!



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