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Switching 3rd person camera side on the fly


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I enjoy the 3rd person camera in games, and I'm trying to play New Vegas in 3rd person. However, one thing that is available in most 3rd person games is the ability to press a button to change the side the camera is on (right / left). This is pretty much necessary when exploring tight indoor areas.


Without this, with the camera stuck on the right side, if you are turning around a corner going right, you have to walk all the way around the corner before you can get the camera off the wall and actually look down the hallway. Meanwhile if you go around a corner turning left, you can look down the hallway right from the start.


When I play 3rd person games, I am constantly switching between right and left viewpoint because of this, and I usually have it bound to "X".


So, I'm just wondering if there is a mod that would allow me to bind this to a button in New Vegas. I'm looking at all the camera mods and none of them seem to have on-the-fly camera viewpoint switching.




PS- I do NOT want a centered camera, and yes I know that I can just zoom to first person when I would have switched the view side (I'm already doing this), but I would just love to maintain the feeling of a true 3rd person game by not having to keep going to first person.

Edited by bitbop
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FOOK has Camera Options like you want. Third person can choose left, center, and right on the fly using the left/right arrow keys. It cycles through the three options so you could just rebind one of those keys to "X" if you want. The over the shoulder adjustment is not terribly large. You can also zoom the first person camera in and out, but you will get some stretching until you save and restart.
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