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Crashing on Leaving Door


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Well, I got prompt effective help with my last question, so I thought I'd try again.


I'm currently on the quest where I go with dad and Li and everyone else to the Jefferson Memorial. Trying to leave Rivet City. I'm at the door, just at the stairwell, the one that leads to the main entrance where Harkness is.


EVERY time I open the door, the game crashes. I've tried it in Windowed mode, I've tried it in Fullscreen, I've tried it by launching the game through Steam, I've tried it launching the game through the Fallout Mod Manager.


Nodda. Game crashes every time. I'm playing the GOTY for Steam.


Game has run just fine until this point, no crashes, no problems, even during graphic heavy times like launching a Fat Man multiple time and filling the screen with nuclear explosions.


Here's the weird thing -- flash back to last year. Running the regular, non GOTY Fallout 3 I got from D2D, I had crashing problems just ahead of this -- when you're entering the pipe, just as the Enclave invades.


Both last year and now, the crashing is constant and seems to be a game breaker.


As for mods, I'm running the Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch & the DLC equivalents, I've got EVE and a hair pack as well.


I'm just really frustrated... I love FO3, and I want to play it on the PC, but... both attempts have led to crashes during this same portion of the main story. Does anyone know of a way to fix this?


EDIT: OH! By the way. Yes, I have a quad-core system, and Yes, I edited that one file as has been said on these forums a billion times. That prevented the crashing when I start new games.

Edited by GoldenSama
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GoldenSama - Hello!


Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp has a bug that causes crashing around Rivet city/Project Purity during saves (including autosaves on exiting doors).


I posted instructions for the fix using FO3Edit in the the Discussion section:




Look for:


Unofficial Fallout 3 Patch - Broken Steel.esp Rivet City area CTD fix


Hope this helps!



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