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new armor, weapon and possible quest request


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The other day i was playing one of my favorite games: METROID. As i was playing i thought about the armor that samus wears and thought that having armor like that in Fallout would be cool.

So i was wondering if anyone with some modding experience would take the time to make the VARIA suit armor, the Arm Cannon, and possibly make a quest to go along with retrieving them (instead of just putting it in a box some where)

Notes: I was thinking the suit should be Power armor but also having a version that isn't power armor (weaker than the power version) would be nice

I don't really have any expectations for the arm cannon other than that its an energy weapon and that its stats are decent

I don't need a quest to get them but if one is made i would appreciate this

If there is already a mod like this; i don't know about it and would appreciate just being told of its existance and where to find it, instead of being told I'm an idiot or something of that sort


In advance to whoever (if anyone) takes this up...


Oh and here are some photos if you dont already know what these things look like


Bing Photos

Edited by TGR9
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