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Extreme eye strain in Oblivion


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So Oblivion is the only game that gives me extreme eye strain. I've played so many more games and they don't give me any strain if I play them all day, but in Oblivion my eyes go completely bonkers if I play for even 10 mins. They hurt if I look at the game now. I've tried looking away for like 30s at something at a 20ft distance, taking breaks, I've gotten the Darkui before, doesn't help much if at all. Etc. I'm really puzzled and annoyed by this, because I really enjoy the game. I've even tried changing texture packs, playing vanilla Oblivion destroys my eyes. Minecraft is the only thing that is anywhere close to this at all, but only if I use specific texture packs.

Anyone else experienced this before in regards to Oblivion?

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The only time any game gives me eye strain is when it's been really dark and then I turn on the bright screen. Changing the brightness of the monitor might help, downside is that it'll also affect everything else, not just Oblivion. You could also edit the Gamma setting in the Oblivion options menu. Gamma settings affect the game's brightness, which is a better option because you won't have to do it by the monitor.


Hope that helps.

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So Oblivion is the only game that gives me extreme eye strain. I've played so many more games and they don't give me any strain if I play them all day, but in Oblivion my eyes go completely bonkers if I play for even 10 mins. They hurt if I look at the game now. I've tried looking away for like 30s at something at a 20ft distance, taking breaks, I've gotten the Darkui before, doesn't help much if at all. Etc. I'm really puzzled and annoyed by this, because I really enjoy the game. I've even tried changing texture packs, playing vanilla Oblivion destroys my eyes. Minecraft is the only thing that is anywhere close to this at all, but only if I use specific texture packs.

Anyone else experienced this before in regards to Oblivion?


The only time I've had it bad is when i spend too much time in dungeons because I never use torches and sneak everywhere.

Maybe it's the HDR or bloom effect? It can be a bit overwhelming on the glow, did you try toggling those?

I've found more strain using hi-res tex pacs I'm surprised that didn't help to turn off.

Do you have distance draw really far too? I found that to be sometimes annoying.

Then again, stuff popping in all the time i find is tiring too. I think this maybe it.

The popping in of objects, maybe play around with the fade sliders.

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Thanks for the quick responses guys, and no I have not played with the fade sliders, but I have tried HDR and bloom, I don't really like HDR much so I turn it off in every single game. When looking at the game and if I'm moving then my eyes hurt, I guess it's the way the textures look when one is moving, between that and the extreme differences in brightness(UI and dungeon darkness for example.)

Thanks again.

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