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Weapon animations


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Alright, So ive been working on a custom energy handgun and i'd like it to use roughly the same animation to reload as the single shotgun:







Now i've been told this is done in blender/3ds max/ etc.. ive been looking for tutorials on how to do this but came up empty on useful info.

I've also been trying to dump my new mesh over the single shotgun's animation nodes, but seem unable to figure out how to move the nodes themselves around so they fit the new (and smaller) gun.

Does anyone know how i can achieve the animation of my new gun? (or perhaps someone is willing to do this for me? though this would only be a temporary solution as i plan on making more gun :teehee: )


The animation should go like this:


1> Fire

2> Gun opens up

3> Spent energy cell pops out/is taken out

4> New cell put into the breach

5> Gun is swung upward, closing the breach

6> Cycle repeats


And please note: i've barely scratched the surface of blender, or animation for that matter.


And if it turns out to be impossible to get this animation to work, i suppose i'll have to add a revolver mag, but this doesnt look nearly as cool imho :turned:

Edited by Urwy
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