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Skills, Classes and Signs


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For my mod project i want to do the class/sign system a little different. At the moment you can first choose your sign and later you choose your class. With this you can optimal create a character that is good in alot of things. For my project i want to get rid of custom classes and i want to intergrate the signs and classes, meaning if you choose one the other will change too.

For my mod i want the player to choose a background rather than a class and sign for his character.

Here are 2 of what i want(may differ but this is general):


att.: Strength & Endurance

skills: Armorer,Athletics,Acrobatics,Blade,Block,Blunt,HeavyArmor

Sign: The Warrior (+10 Strength, +10 Endurance)


att.: Intellegence & Willpower

skills: Alteration,Alchemy,Conjuration,Destruction,Illusion,Mysticism,Restoration

Sign: The Mage (+50 magic)


If combining classes and signs and taking away the customclass isn't enough I want to do 1 thing more. I would like to have the player only be able to use his Major skills, making a warrior completly incapable of using magic and a mage not capable of using blunt or heavyarmor. I will be creating enough backgrounds so people can still get loads of variations but they just cant create a char that can do all.


At last one more thing is on my list of changes. I played around with spells and was able to do some minor things but mostly saw others do things i wanted to. Now for the real problem, can i make new skills or use others in a different way? (throw illusion spells in mysticism and change Illusion to something else for example)


What of this all is possible? and could anyone help me get started with any of this?


Really big thanks for any help


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You can't really do anything about birthsigns or races, there's no way to force one or the other onto the player. You can however force a class onto a player provided that you have a NPC to copy that class from. DuplicateNPCStats can be used to force those predefined stats onto the player, you can then add spells/abilities to the player to get additional effects. Scripted abilities can be used to limit skills, equipment, or provide other changes you may want. It can be done to some extent, but it really isn't practical to do so unless you're making a TC, and then you should probably only focus on 1-2 options till you have the world actually made. For the standard game, such a change to chargen would probably screw up more than you would want, and at many times in the game you may be required to use things which are not related to one of those classes.


TES is a game series where the generalist has the greatest advantage. While the advantage was minor in Morrowind, in Oblivion the advantage is more or less required due some of the game mechanics which are now absent.

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Classes and Birth signs giving no freedom? Lets test this shall we?


Races: 10

Genders: 2

Birthsigns: 13

Attribute 1: 8

Attribute 2: 7

Class Catergory: 3

7 Major skill: 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15.


That adds up too: 25598716416000 Different character possibilities. Of course, there not all practical but I think its enough

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Classes and Birth signs giving no freedom? Lets test this shall we?


Races: 10

Genders: 2

Birthsigns: 13

Attribute 1: 8

Attribute 2: 7

Class Catergory: 3

7 Major skill: 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15.


That adds up too: 25598716416000 Different character possibilities. Of course, there not all practical but I think its enough

Except, they want to get rid of the freedom and force people to play a class within a certain design. Your math is probably off as well.

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