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Texture not showing for male Khajiit


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I'm using Robert's male and Robert's female body replacers and have been trying to get slof's khajiit retextures to work for days now. The female khajiit textures are showing up just fine but the male only has the retextured head and neck whereas the entire body and tail are left untouched and simply the vanilla leopard spots in robert's V5 texture. I have tried uninstalling both mods and reinstalling, archive invalidation, slof's better bodies at her suggestion and changing around or systematically deleting and putting back the footmale.dds/footmale_n.dds/RTfootmale files in the texture folder.


Does anybody have any idea what could be causing this as i have been looking on all forums and search engines for an answer yet none of them appear to be working so far? Oh yes, and beneath the floor of the starting location slof's khajiit textures are down there with the others including the retextured tail, just not on the actual character body :S


Any help would be appreciated thanks

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The source of this issue lies in the lazyness of giving Vanilla Khajiit males and females the exact same textures for the feet, the male ones, "textures/characters/Khajiit/male/footmale.dds", by definition in the Oblivion.ESM.

Now famous body mods like Exnem's not coming with an ESP to rectify this, they just replaced the male files with female textures. The foot textures being used for full-body coverage in just about every body mod I know now became a serious issue due to this setup. All of a sudden female and male Khajiit had the same body textures and only one gender was looking right.


Robert's attempted to solve this by redirecting the male Khajiit feet to use "textures/characters/Khajiit/male/RTfootmale.dds" in his Robert's Male ESP, but didn't also do this in his Robert's Female ESP, for quite some obvious reasons.

However, if for some reason you're not using either Wrye Bash's bashed patch or a special compatibility plugin to make Robert's Male and Female working with each other (yes, even they aren't by default), either one's or the other's settings will prevail and the other gender will suffer. You must make sure the texures coming from Slof's mod end up with exactly the name the "winning" ESP (or the final result of the bashed patch merging) makes the race and genders use. So for male it's either "male/footmale.dds" (if the female ESP prevails) or "male/RTfootmale.dds" (if Robert's Male ESP wins the battle) and for the female either "female/footfemale.dds" (if Robert's Female settings survive your load order) or "male/footmale.dds" (if Robert's Male's superior in this).


So to make a long story short, you need to re-check both your settings and your filenames and location.


Oh, and last time I checked Slof's ESP was using TFF settings, that is "male/footmale.dds" for the males and "female/footfemale.dds" for the females. But I could be mistaken here as it's been a while I last checked this. Maybe I'm even mistaking it with her Better Beasts ESP.

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Thank you that's the most helpful advice i've received on this issue. I do use Wrye Bash so to be absolutely certain, this means that i must rebuild my bashed patch and merge Robert's female and male esp into the patch and then it will assign via the load order which of the two genders 'won' and then i must change the name of the texture files to reflect this...? Edited by Pretermit
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