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New Vegas Map (why the West is empty?)


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Ever wonder where that Mojave Outpost key is?


Ever wonder why the Western portion of the NV map is empty... ?


Why is it that over the mountains, West of Goodsprings, SouthWest of Redrock Canyon... there is nothing on the map.


No locations, nothing, just a waste of space...


I'm being as bold to say that maybe, just maybe, 1/4 or 1/5 of the NV map is empty.


Since my first game of NV, i'd speculated that one of the add-ons would fill in this gap. I was convinced it was going to be Lonesome Road... but ever since that map of Lonesome Road was revealed in the Big Empty.... it sure does not look that way.


really hoping there is a fifth DLC...or that Lonesome Road opens up this unused portion of the map with some new locations.


Ideally: Lonesome Road will add new locations to the unused Western part of the NV map while having its own unique map... epic !


any other theories?

Edited by Rimland
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Because of the way they map works they had to make it square rather than a rectangle, so they just made it longer to fit the river and then left the excess parts blank. Like letterbox on your television.
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Six DLCs?


I thought there'd be four?


That would be cool?


New Canaan.


There is that missing Mojave Outpost Key... been looking for that for 10 months now !


There is that wreckage up North that blocks the road...

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