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player.additem and mods/altered items


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I have tweaked a few items in-game, both mods and standard equipment (mainly bumping up damage on items and changing names), and i notice now that i cannot use the "player.additem" command because it says it cannot find it.


Anyone run into this? Does anyone know of a work-around?

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If you edit a vanilla item (for instance a longsword) then the version in your esp will take precidence over the vanilla version and since your esp is loaded later that item will have a different objectid. To find out the new ID open up Wrye bash and look next to your mod list. You'll see a 2 digit number in the load order column. Replace the first 2 digits of the objects objectid with the 2 digits next to your modified esp and it should work.


So for instance: Vanilla elven longsword = 000239b3 Your esp load order number = 23 New object ID= 230239b3.


Try that and see if it works.



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