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I am so tired of crashing


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Ok I have been playing Fallout new vegas since it came out and for the entire time ive been modding and dealing with the constant crashing and well its getting old. I am running windows vista 32, I have an Intel Core2 Quad CPU Q9550 @ 2.83Ghz, 16 GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 5970 2GB GPU, ASUS P5Q Pro Turbo Mobo, 850 Watt PSU, 1TB HD X 2 @ 7500 RPM, Stock Disk Drive.


And this is my load order: (everything that is white is straight from the FOMM load order report), (everthing in red is from me)

Mod load order report

! Warning: current load order template contains 214 duplicate entries(someone plz tell me what that means and how do i fix it if it hurts me)



Masterlist Information: $Revision$, $Date$, $LastChangedBy$








ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.


ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.


Advanced Recon Tech.esm


Companions Relax.esp

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.




UHNV-Dead Money.esp

! This plugin requires 'uhnv.esp and deadmoney.esm', which was not found(there is no esm in the package there is a BSA)

UHNV-Honest Hearts.esp

! This plugin requires 'uhnv.esp and honesthearts.esm', which was not found(there is no esm in the package there is a BSA)


UHNV-More Mannequins.esp




Advanced Recon Gear.esp


Advanced Recon Tech.esp




bornagain Book Of Steel.esp




boa ncrpahelmet.esp


realistic headshots.esp






Amata's Face Playable v1.0.esp

* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.


Defense Kit.esp(just a mod a made myself used all the specs from an in game armor and changed the DT to 2000 and the DR to 400)* The auto-sorter doesn't recognize this mod. It is probably safe to put it anywhere, depending on how you want the various plugins to override one another.


Also if it helps at all the game was crashing evertime I tried to fire the .45 auto pistol from honest hearts mostly when I tried to fire it rapidly, and every five minutes or so when I'm anywere outside in the area where honest hearts takes place. Basicly if you can teach me how to make a game bug free I would love it if you at least told me were to start thx.

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the mods your usin hog ram. I know that unhv clogged my ram and it wasnt until i d started usin fnv4gb that i quit havin troubles.


are u usin the 4gb loader?


before i started usin it, i would ctd about 60% of the time goin into the mannequin room


now i never ctd

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ya still crashing and I started a new game and now it crashed after I put my name in


Have you let steam update to 1.4?


This is the order you need to go in:


install nvse


install 4gb


install 4gb loader for nvse


play usingalternate loader


I just did this 5 minutes ago on my brothers computer and it works just fine.

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