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Never Alone


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Hello i would like to say that i love having at least one companion with me at all times. I find it more pleasing to having company to back me up in times of need.


So i would like to request for somebody to enable Vanilla companions to go with you towards the DLC areas, even if you haven't completed them yet]. I notice this when playing OWB, and looked up to see you virtually have no permanent companion the whole time. Personally i would like just Rex or ED-E to come with, since it may conflict lore-wise during the DLCS to have any humanoid companions.


I have no experience Modding so im unsure on the difficulty of this request but ill try to do anything i can to help.


Thank you for your time.


Note: Have not played at all any of the DLCs, and after some searching only OWB does not have any companions that sticks with you throughout big mountain. I'm not requesting for these DLCs companions to be able to come back with me to the Mojave since there's already a mod for that.

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