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Screwed Up Rainbow-ish LOD


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I Recently Installed Stirk, Tamriel Rebuilt and the Elsewyr Oblivion Mods, (a little over due honestly) and after doing that I have had this effect in my LOD. I spent an hour googling and trying different load orders and god knows what else to try and get this obnoxious problem to go away, but I don't know what to do any more. If anyone can explain what I did to mess my LOD up or how I can fix it, please help. Thank you in advance to any who can offer any advice.


PS: I tried the Vibrant LOD Mod, no dice. I also believe the textures are already in .dds format (but I am still new to modding so I am not 100% sure what that means or how to make sure they are, or for that matter where the textures for the LOD are). Like I said, any help is greatly appreciated and I am happy to provide any more info if it helps you help me =P



Edited by Vashmanseven
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