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Companions with functioning weapon-mods


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I recently downloaded the companions dress/undress mod which lets you make your companion any outfit and equipt any weapon you want.


For example if you give Boone a sniper rifle with some .308 rounds, he will equip it.


The problem: If you give Boone a sniper rifle with weapon mods attached to it (say, suppressor), the suppressor no longer exists when he equips it. The weapon still makes noise. But if I take the sniper rifle off his hands and equip it myself, there's no problem.


Is there a mod/could someone make a mod that would fix this? I want my companions to be fully customizable when it comes to equipment.


Some more awesome companion mods I'd recommend:-


-Unlimited companions

-Companions sandbox mode


NOTE: I don't know the exact names of these mods. Just seek them out with these keywords.

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