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Spell system broken.. help please


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After I installed deadly reflex v6, i noticed that all the healing spells don't work, nor the healing potions and nor slepping. I CAN'T HEAL MYSELF. I unistalled dr6, but the problem remains. I don't have any mod which conflict with dr6, because no other of my mods touch the combat or spell system. Please help I don't want to reinstall the game for the seventh time...


EDIT: I can cure eating ingredients, so my health is not maxed at a low value. simple spell and potions don't work. How can I fix?

Edited by OromisTale
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What mods are you running, in loading order? Also, are you sure this happened just after DR6 was installed, and nothing else--no new mods, no mods removed, no mod order changes? Because as far as I know, DR has no impact on spellcasting.


It's not a good idea to run betas, in any case, unless you know exactly what you're getting into.

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