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Need a patch for partner Viconia de


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I need a patch so the Viconia companion mod will work with BBB. I have tried all BBB animations and still have the same problem . The problem is all the NPC's are frozen in place till I get realy close to them and if I am wearing a ring with detectlife on it they do not show up till they move.Viconia is the only Mod I am having this problem with.
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Set Body Mod.


Sometimes I have a probelm with npcs not having bbb as well. I work around to this probelm hitting the npc with a body type changing spell. It starts working right away. Even if it's the same exact body type you already have as your main body. Say for example c-cup upper, m bottom HGEC. And you casted set body C-cup upper and m bottom. The BBB animation will start. At least it has for me. If it's still not working maybe you might have too many animation mods. Since deadly reflexs and nomaam have many conflicts. Mostly with drawn and used weapon animations.

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My problem is that when I use any BBB animation with the viconia companion mod it causes all the NPC's to freeze in place. They do not show up if using detect life rings or spells , also weapons or spells will not hurt them while they are frozen.The NPC's become unstuck when playercharcter is 6 feet from NPC. The BBB I have will work exept for the NPC freeze up that happens!
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My problem is that when I use any BBB animation with the viconia companion mod it causes all the NPC's to freeze in place. They do not show up if using detect life rings or spells , also weapons or spells will not hurt them while they are frozen.The NPC's become unstuck when playercharcter is 6 feet from NPC. The BBB I have will work exept for the NPC freeze up that happens!


Maybe it has something to do with Underdarksaga.esp? See here

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It had nothing to do with bbb. It had to do with not having the requirements. Should work. Make sure you get tes4lod can help point out a conflict in load order. Or missing required mods. I sure their are better. Just tossing that one out as an example.
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