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Dual Wielding Weapons


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wouldn't it be awesome if we could dual wield pistols, some shotguns, and sub machine guns? a little sub tracted accuracy but increased speed and damage, maybe dual sawed off shotguns, 10mm/9mm pistols, .44 mag/357 revolvers, dual combat knives, regular knives, wazushaki blade or whatever its called 10mm/9mm sub machine guns, or maybe support for certain weapon packs?
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Would it be awesome? Yes probably, can it be done? more then likely nt since its been asked every week since fo3 came out (so a few years) and no one has managed to.
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This is a really old topic spanning back from Fo3. And the answer is always the same. It can be done, but not easily and it's probably more trouble than it's worth. Skyrim videos scream out a big yes, that this can definitely be done somehow, and same with some oblivion mods. But you gotta remember in TES you have shields that can be used to this. But when it comes to a shield in NV there isn't one, and when it comes to adding them, there aren't any animations put in game for them, there isn't even a category, and in order to make it shoot properly you gotta have some real scripting skills as well as other skills with geck, NIFSkope and other things. Quite frankly, you aint gonna see a modder make this anytime soon or anytime in the future, if anyone makes it possible, it'll be bethesda in a DLC or some new fallout game they come out with.
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