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>.> Guess i am a NOOB! Need some help with DAO Mod Instali


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First off ill say that i have played oblivion for about a year and i use tons of different mods with no problem. I have been able to make OMODS and load everthing in correct order. My problem now is i guess i figured DAO would be the same but i guess i was wrong!


I have placed mods in my overide folder and none work, i just installed a dazip mod and it doent work and now i am stuck.


All i am trying to do is add the stupid CGI Warden from the sacred ashes trailer.


He Looks like this in game.




Now i know this file is just the tattoo but trust me i found the mods in that picture and i cannot get them installed. I downloaded a all in one pack that has TONS of faces, hair, tones and colors and in it you can select just the small things you want. So i selected the warden and i look at the prereqs for the mod in the read me and it is all of these.


Malcolm the Trailer Warden - by mochen




required mods:


Dracomies True textures: http://social.bioware.com/project/1205/

Pineappletrees Vibrant Colours: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=153

Eye textures by Cris_lemeni: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=687

FM file: Included

Dr DJ's Bandit Emporium: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=1341

Warden tattoo: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=775

More hairstyles: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=392


I then download and find all these mods they then have prereqs so i get them and again more prereqs! So i got basicly all the files i need for this one guy and i am sure it works for the entire All in one pack but realy i just want to put this one mod on my PC so i can start DAO. Any flipping idea on how the hell i can get some help?



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Wait, lets see if I got this right: You download mods, wheras some of them are dazip files, and then you put them in your override folder?

No wonder if it doesn't work in that case. You need to run dazip files through an installer. There is the deafult DAupdater, but that one can only handle Dazip files. Personally I prefer DAModder: http://www.dragonagenexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=286


Easy to use and works with almost any mod.

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the dazip mods i run through the default installer and it stops at like 90% on the bar but yet it says it is completed. But i cannot use the mods in game(Says i am missing the BEP er summ nlike tht). The mods in the overide folder also do not work. Edited by Sonoske
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Might just be an error in the DAupdater then. I have a similar problem, DAupdater just runs and then freezes when it's close to 90 %. Try DAModder instead, buch less buggy in my opinion.
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Plus, almost all of those mods (at least Pineappletrees Vibrant Colours, Warden tattoo, and More hairstyles) are designed to be used at the Character Creator (CC) stage. They will have no effect at any other point in the game (although if used then, the impact on your character's appearance is lasting.) And they need to have their chargenmorphcf.xml files merged into one (since that's all the game can use.)


Terra_Ex's excellent utility "CharGenMorph Compiler", will do this for you automagically. :thumbsup:

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You can install all the required files by just downloading them and dropping them into your override folder.




Dracomies true textures - you need to run that mods included installer

Dr DJ's - which you need to install with the DAupdater (or other mod manager)


Then once you've done that, just use the DA face replacer to transplant the face onto your main character.

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