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Which Mods


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I am relatively new to Oblivion and am already smarting from the diminished content compared to Morrowind – where is medium/unarmoured? Only 2 weapon types (excluding fists) etc, etc… I don’t really want to discuss that here, it’s being explored in depth elsewhere on these forum.


I would like to add a few mods that’ll add a bit of spice and life to the game. I’ve looked through the TESsource website, but there are just soooo many mods that it’s a little beyond me!


So I thought I’d open it up to the assembled wisdom of you guys, What’s out there that is (in your opinion) essential, enhancing and just brilliant! (and also what mods I should avoid like the plague! :happy: )


Thanks in advance :)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Personally I like the Cutthroat PartnerMod most. Blackie (& Co.) did it for Morrowind before and continued with Oblivion.

It is so much fun to walk around with companions, fight with them, heal them or get healed, make them harvest or find things for you, go to a tavern and eat and drink with them, give them new clothing, weapons, armor... I can't imagine to play without them anymore.


Information about Partners 1.4

(Download hopefully back again soon. :rolleyes: )

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