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getting more blood

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hey, i have been messing with the INI settings a lot recently, and i was just wondering, what do i need to change to make the game have more blood splatters, and what should i set it to? ive tested changing the various decal-related settings to various different numbers, but it seems to change very little if anything. and for some reason, no more than 3 blood stain things can appear on any 1 character model at a time.



and finally, strangely, when im in first person if i get shot in the hand, ill see blood on my guys hand, but if i switch to 3rd person view, the blood is gone. does anyone know why that is?

Edited by babyeatingdingo
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Changing the amount of decals changes how many decals *can* appear on screen. Not the rate at which they do. For that you'll need to find/make a gore mod. I find it unlikely that this mod hasn't been made so go have a hunt around.

Don't quote me on this but I'm quite certain that decals take up the 3 'body addon' slots in the geck. 3rd person and 1st person models are different so when they switch the blood goes with it. :thumbsup:

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well if anyone else whos having my issue, i actually partially solved it.


to make however many wound decals you want to appear on each character, add the following line to your Fallout INI folder, at the bottom of the [Decals] section:



uMaxSkinDecalPerActor=[whatever value you want]



now its possible to make someone completely bloodstained except for their face, if you are so inclined for whatever reason

Edited by babyeatingdingo
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