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help with creating home upgrades


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im an extreme beginner at making mods and im only using the G.E.C.K. right now im trying to create a base where you have to purchase all the buildings which is where im stuck


-ive placed all the buildings and ect and linked them to xmarkers and using the xmarkers as the upgrade REFs

-i copied the vl38suitevendor and created a new form of it to act as the vendor for the base upgrades

-i created a vendor container for the base upgrades and set it as being owned by the base vendor and linked the vender to the merchant container

-ive created a terminal to activate the vender using the result script in the base item menu "vCitadelUpgradeVendorREF.showbartermenu"


the barter menu will not activate and how how do i set it so that the linked objects will only appear once the upgrade has been bought?


what am i doing wrong or what am i forgeting to do?

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