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Female Enclave Armor nif Problem


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I wanted to make a female version of the Enclave Power Armor. I used this file as a base for the model.

Since the Tesla Armor and standard Enclave Armor both use the same UV Coordinates I could just replace the textures and delete a few light bulbs and wires from the mesh.

The problem was that the shoulder pieces of the armors are different. So I got the shoulders from the male Enclave Armor, rescaled them and put them a bit closer together.

Then I imported the modified shoulders into the nif file

and replaced the NiTriStripData Nodes and the textures of the original shoulders with the imported ones.


In nifskope every thing is fine. As soon as I try to use the model in game or in GECK parts of it seem to be kind of corrupted. See Screenshots.


Has anyone a clue how that could be solved?

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Thank you for the fast reply


I tried re-weighting the vertices (At least I think I did, I don't really have a clue what I am doing here and Google was remarkably unhelpful..)

I tried starting from scratch and redoing the whole thing in slightly different ways just to end up with the same problem over and over.


Would still be thankful for any suggestions.

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