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Console bug?


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I felt sorely miserable for killing Vincente so I thought what the hell might as well revive if I feel so bad. So I hit the '~' and typed resurrect in but got a console error saying it needs a reference. So then I typed in Code: resurrect. Same thing. Maybe I'm just not doing it right but I've checked everywhere online and nowhere does it say you need to type in anything then resurrect. If anyone can help that would be awesome. In the mean time I'll probably just go back to an older save and wait until I can do that resurrect thing.



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  • 9 months later...
Then type resurrect. However, the game will still seem him as dead regarding quests, etc. He won't look dead or act dead. If you kill an essential-for-quest character and then resurrect that player, the quest is broken.
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Unfortunately, the best way to bring a needed NPC back into the game is to go back and load a save from before you killed him. You do have a save don't you?
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