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k9000 for Rex


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I've seen several threads and 5 or 6 mods to remove the backpack from the k9000 or change the audio ect. But what I dont see is the obvious mod to make it equipable by Rex. The schematics on the walls in the sink make it look like its supposed to mount onto a cyberdogs back. When you carry it. it looks like some grunt took it off the dog but left the brain connected. It made me wonder if the devs at bethesda halfassed this one or did they run out of time for release, or was it just too hard to mesh it onto him?

So what i'm asking is could somebody please make a mod to enable rex to wear the K9000? I realize his head moves up and down when he runs so meshing it properly wouldnt be as simple as just popping the little blue braincase off the bottom, deleting the pack, and droping it onto his head and back but from the appearance of the weapon that looks like how it was suppost to go. Anyways, thats my idea for a mod. If your interested take it and run with it.

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I am pretty sure if was never intended to be a dog mounted weapon. It's a minigun and I am pretty sure that is how they planned on releasing it. It would be much more difficult to just pop it on Rex, for he is a dog, and it would require a lot of scripting and probably new animations. Most likely, this would take a great deal of time. Plus the gun would have to be scripted to work ontop of him, you would have to change textures, and possible meshes to make sure it would all go together. And a dog that size carrying something this size?




That would be unpractical. It's way to big for a German Shepard.

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I am pretty sure if was never intended to be a dog mounted weapon. It's a minigun and I am pretty sure that is how they planned on releasing it. It would be much more difficult to just pop it on Rex, for he is a dog, and it would require a lot of scripting and probably new animations. Most likely, this would take a great deal of time. Plus the gun would have to be scripted to work ontop of him, you would have to change textures, and possible meshes to make sure it would all go together. And a dog that size carrying something this size?




That would be unpractical. It's way to big for a German Shepard.

1, Its not a minigun, miniguns use a gattling gun style set of spining barrels. the k9000 is full auto but does not have spining barrels. Its more like a WWII antiaircraft gun with recoiling barrels. But i do concede your basic point. Obviously the magazine would have to be relocated or assumed to be part of rex's normal inventory (wherever the heck thats supposed to be physicaly located who knows).

2 The brain case on the front is from a German shepard. And if you look at its size compared to the gun then it isn't inconceveable to picture is as a full body harness like I said. Pluss changing the size would be the easy part. making it move with him like you mention would be more dificult.

I agree it would be very Intensive to script and mesh onto him and I said as much. If I had the programming skills i'd try it myself but I don't so here i am in the "Mod Request" section of the forums.

I attached a picture I threw together (verry quickly and crudely mind you) using a schematic poster of a cyberdog then overlayed the k9000 picture that guy97 linked to, to show the basic concept I'm getting at.

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How's the dog going to reload?

Ok you got me there.

I hadn't considered that and even in a fantasy world with cyborg dogs, they still don't have hands. So your right he'd need the player to do it for him. I guess once he's out you'd have to talk to him and reload for him. He could let out a yelp to let you know he's out then by clicking the talk to selection of the companion wheel instead of just barks and yelps there could be something similar to Veronica's " could you craft something for me" window.

You just brought up a point that would majorly complicate this but I'm sure theres some moders out there who would be capable of it. Just have to keep hoping one sees the idea and is willing to take it up.

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How's the dog going to reload?

Ok you got me there.

I hadn't considered that and even in a fantasy world with cyborg dogs, they still don't have hands. So your right he'd need the player to do it for him. I guess once he's out you'd have to talk to him and reload for him. He could let out a yelp to let you know he's out then by clicking the talk to selection of the companion wheel instead of just barks and yelps there could be something similar to Veronica's " could you craft something for me" window.

You just brought up a point that would majorly complicate this but I'm sure theres some moders out there who would be capable of it. Just have to keep hoping one sees the idea and is willing to take it up.


I don't mean to underrate your idea but that sounds incredibly lame. Even if that is a viable solution, it reflects the limitless stupidity of the people who crafted the gun on the dog in the first place and and who failed to put in a reload mechanism.


And if we remove the reload thing completely (infinite ammo no reload) then Rex is overpowered already. Imagine a minigun with no reload and no need to repair. Also makes you wonder where all that ammo comes from.

Edited by Glenstorm
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Hey just a fix maybe? \\\\\\\\\\\\for the ammo he uses ammo you put in his inventory? Put 100 5mm shots in and use those? so there for you pretty much just have to tinker with the magazine size and set it to unlimited or say a more reason able number like 100? and if you put in more than 100 say you reload him via the companion wheel?


EDIT; Having to manual reload is worth have a dog with a kick butt gun

Edited by chasey489
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey just a fix maybe? \\\\\\\\\\\\for the ammo he uses ammo you put in his inventory? Put 100 5mm shots in and use those? so there for you pretty much just have to tinker with the magazine size and set it to unlimited or say a more reason able number like 100? and if you put in more than 100 say you reload him via the companion wheel?


EDIT; Having to manual reload is worth have a dog with a kick butt gun

I agree with that aproach. Obviously he is supposed to have some empty cavity inside him or else he wouldnt have an inventory option at all (He isn't wearing saddlebags or any other sort of pack). And if u assume the k9000 uses a high capacity drum as the reload animation shows then 100 or 200 rounds isnt unreasonable before having to reload him. I know in game its a 30 round clip but 30 rounds of 45 or 38 ammo would not need that big ass canister. it would be a 14 or so inch long 20 round clip just like the WWII grease gun (M3) or the 7 inch 50 round drum that the Thompson M1 could use-both are 45 caliber. So if you go off of comparable size then that canister should be more like 150 to 200 rounds.


Glenstrom keeps mentioning the reload issue. A canine unit wouldn't be sent out solo into combat. Even in ww1 where dogs were actually used on the front lines they were acompanied by a handler. Some were set on guard duty or messenger runs solo(one even got the bronze star for draging wounded off the lines durring his messenger runs) but they've never been sent alone into combat. They've always been paired with a person so having no auto reload wouldn't be so hard to beleive. And your comment about no repair, I know it says that companions take really good care of their equipment in a game manual somewhere but I think its a screwed up overpowered game mechanic that we all take full advantage of. No mater how many times veronica gets a broken leg from a grenade i throw, her armor stays at the same repair level. Go with it or write a mod to correct it.

Honestly an unarmed slightly more inteligent, durable, and minimaly stronger german shepard charging headlong into a hail of weapons fire againts people in metal armor or robots in STUPIDLY underpowered and hard to beleive so why wouldnt they give him a ranged weapon to go with his other "upgrades"? In a world of power armor, mr gutsy, protctrons, and the like, teeth are hardly a viable weapon for all ocasions. And in my opinion the k9000 is a rediculous weapon as it is. Why does it have a dogs brain? Why does it whimper or bark when equipped/ unequipped? Why does it have ears that perk up and fold down? All I see looking at it is that it was supposed to be mounted on a dog and they gave up midway through programing leaving those aspects as a consilation to the original idea.


An energy weapon variant that recharges up to a few dozen rounds like a recharger riffle sounds like a pretty good idea too- It could be called just K-9 as a Dr Who easter egg. Cool idea Guy97.

Edited by mudbug6483
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Actually I'm not sure you'd have to go to any great lengths. If the K9000 is really shaped to fit on a canine back (or close to it) you could use prn weapon back in nifskope to attach the nif. Then make a new embedded weapon that mirrors the k9000. As far as the attached script, I can't recall what id does other than bark at enemies so I"m not sure about that.


Mudbug6483 If you want to me to I can take a crack at it for you.

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