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New race replacers


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Hi, it would be cool to have some of the awesome existing player mods replace the default existing races, for example:


Khajiits replaced with DesuChans Kawa-Khajiits mod

Wood Elves replaced with Cute Elves

High elves replaced with Nec Mystic High Elf

DesuChans Dolls replace one of the human races


etc.. its clear that player races are far better then the default races, I'm surprised that someone hasn't done this already (or have they?)

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Well their is xeo5 it's an offsite mod. Using mostly the races you would find in mbp and mbp x117 races and also can replace the beast races too with xeorc4 and ice elf xeo. Theirs even a new mod that makes everyone female. The L Word has many useful links to mods I said.
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