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RBP's Daedra Seducer causing CTD


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I've been using the Race Balancing Project mod for a while, and have successfully made a ohmes-raht and xivilia. Recently though I made a warrior and tried to make a daedra seducer. When I close the race editor (right before leaving the sewers), the game immediately goes black and crashes. I've searched google to no avail and I havent found much help in the troubleshooting. I'm wondering if I installed it wrong somehow, even though the other races work (have not tried the aquamer yet).


EDIT: Tested all the races. Aquamer and Daedra Seducer both cause CTD, but every other added race works fine.


EDIT 2: None of the RBP races work now. All cause a crash as soon as I exit the character creation screen.

Edited by Paradox043
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