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Dicenade help


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So I have been working on a fun little project, it's a grenade disguised as a dice cube. It's also a holdout weapon since I can't think of any harm coming from a die. I have the model completed, the projectile completed, the explosion effect, and the holdout thingie done. My problem is that when I ready the weapon it comes out a frag grenade, this is my first grenade so I have apparently overlooked a minor detail. I think it has something to do with the shell casing but I can't figure that out.
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Open your weapon in GECK. Under Art & Sound there should be something called a first person model or something similar. Currently its probably set to the 1stperson frag grenade model. Create a version for your dice and change the 1st person model to that. Then it should work.
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Open your weapon in GECK. Under Art & Sound there should be something called a first person model or something similar. Currently its probably set to the 1stperson frag grenade model. Create a version for your dice and change the 1st person model to that. Then it should work.


I always make some mistake. Thnx dude here's a screenshhot of it, I just set the model to none.


Edited by Tayot84
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