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Misaligned Hair - New to Modding


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Heya modders,


I recently took it upon myself to attempt to port over the Hat version of the Bedraggled hairstyle so I could use it without a hat, since I found I really liked it after encountering an invisible hat.


I made a copy of HairMessy03, copied the NiTriShapeData from Hat over Nohat, copied the .egm files in properly named to my new .nif, and put together a .esp with GECK.


However the result is misaligned hair. Upon close inspection it doesn't seem to be scaled/aligned to the head very well, not just malpositioned. The fact that I get the same result without .egm files has me believe it isn't using the .egm files at all.


I'm quite new to this, so, if anyone has any ideas how to fix this, I'm all ears.



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did you add the line to the ini to load properly facegen head properties?




You mean this? Then yeah, it was required for another mod.


As for a pic, you're right, nivea, I should have included one, so here it is :P




And a pic of what I'm trying to accomplish (this hairstyle shown with an invisible hat):




My file structure looks as such:




hathairnohat.egm (both .egms copies of HairMessy03hat.egm)


Things I've tried since:


1) "Update FaceGen Model Availability" in GECK (along with deleting the armor entries that ruin everything)

2) Setting MODD flag to 1 in FNVEdit


No change.


Ideas welcome :)


[EDIT] Figured it out! Apparently .egms only load from within .bsas, so I put the files in a .bsa and whaddya know, problem solved.

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