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Acrobatics and Atheltics? WTF!


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  On 8/16/2011 at 8:23 PM, deama said:

I know that you can, but as I said before, you probably can do it either once or at the very least 5 times... While having them as skills allows you to go up to 100, maybe mod it to 200.

Sure, you can mod the perk(s) to give you 100 too, but then my character would be a lot weaker since I would keep spending the perk points to enhance that particular one...



not necessarily, in fallout 3 there is a mod that allows you to gain perks every level; combine that with another mod that allows you to go past the max level and you can get every perk (i have, even got mods to add in more perks)


Another thing to consider is that there are mods for oblivion that add skill "perks" for increasing said skills beyond 100 (IE the block skill allows you to reflect damage while blocking); so it is entirely possible for a mod to be made for the desired effects that you want (i personally plan to revamp the perk system if possible)


for your desired effect I'd assume a simple script which mimics the skills you miss would be enough, but then again i dont have to much experience modding TES (i hail from Starcraft 1 hex and code modding, and Tribes 2 scripting)

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Sooo... everyone in the whole of Skyrim runs at the same speed, jumps the same height, and either everyone or nobody at all can do rolls and somersaults?

Without athletics and acrobatics wouldn't that reduce character diversity a little bit?


-They aren't "skills" as such but improve a little with each level up, eg Higher stamina=improved accro+athl.

-They aren't listed as skills but do increase very slowly over time (without contributing to leveling up). Wearing light/no armour will let athl+accro increase faster than wearing heavy armour, slightly increasing diversity.

-There are perks to improve the players physical ability.


OR, another idea

Couldn't they just group both athl and accro into one skill, and group merc and speech into one, and put both of these "new" skills into the stealth/thief archetype, so we still have all the skills, and all archetypes still have the same number of skills each.


Just a few ideas, if nobody likes them, fair enough, just don't be a d**k about it.

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I remember Todd saying in an interview that a character's movement speed will be determined by what they wear. So, if you're in Light or no armor, you're more likely to run circles around your foes.


You bring up a great point about evasive maneuvers, 10dmcghee. I have a hard time believing they'd scrap those things completely, but who knows? From what we already know, I'd say that if there is progression, it's either linked to stamina or included as perks within the Stealth skills.


As far as combining skills goes, we already have 18 with 6 for each archetype. Adding more would disrupt that system.


Until we get more info on the game, we will again have to resort to the time-honored and timeless tradition of finger crossing. :thumbsup:

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As far as combining skills goes, we already have 18 with 6 for each archetype. Adding more would disrupt that system.
Couldn't they just group both athl and accro into one skill, and group merc and speech into one, and put both of these "new" skills into the stealth/thief archetype, so we still have all the skills, and all archetypes still have the same number of skills each.


Like this:

Thief archetype skills:




-Light armour

-Speechcraft+Mercantile to make one skill

-Athletics+Acrobatics to make one skill

So there'd still be six skills per archetype.

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  On 8/17/2011 at 12:33 AM, 10dmcghee said:
As far as combining skills goes, we already have 18 with 6 for each archetype. Adding more would disrupt that system.
Couldn't they just group both athl and accro into one skill, and group merc and speech into one, and put both of these "new" skills into the stealth/thief archetype, so we still have all the skills, and all archetypes still have the same number of skills each.


Like this:

Thief archetype skills:




-Light armour

-Speechcraft+Mercantile to make one skill

-Athletics+Acrobatics to make one skill

So there'd still be six skills per archetype.


you forgot alchemy

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Also the base for running might be the same. But Todd also said that Fatigue affects running speed as well as encumbrance. And from the QuakeCon demo it seemed that his 500 Fatigue came in handy he jumped 100 or so feet down and was barely hurt. So from that I can say Fatigue governs Acrobatics and Speed with Athleticism. Also if you noticed Todds character was faster than the Dunmer thief he was chasing even without Sprint but that was little difference. (Speed and Athletics were basically the same, only thing that was different was that running would cause Fatigue disadvantages which would go away at level 100 of Athletics. Seeming how Bethesda showed and explained Fatigue they don't need athletics and acrobatics anymore. Spears would be in-game but Todd said they don't have enough time to put them in. Which leads me to believe they will probably be in a DLC.
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I'm beginning to like the three attributes to level up thing more and more, if that's how they function. Seeing as my first character is going to be a bow and dagger based assassin, I was worried that I wouldn't be able to do anything for my speed and jumping capabilities. As long as you still can in the form of stamina or perks, then I'm good.


As for how Oblivion did it, it probably would have been better if acrobatics and athletics were passive skills that didn't affect your level. I liked that my character moved faster as I ran throughout the game, rather than fast travel or go by horse. I liked that I could clear certain traps, walls, and chasms because my character was acrobatically inclined. You could have an Olympian styled warrior, able to clear obstacles on the way to his destination. You could literally play an Acrobat and use your ability to place yourself to your advantage while completing quests. Without the ability to become more skilled in those aspects, we would definitely have less playability options. The game would be highly combat inclined, rather than having that large exploration aspect that it previously had. I'm not saying that it wouldn't still have major exploration potential, it would just lower that potential. D&D has both as something that can be naturally enhanced and it's something that I'd like them in the only videogame that gives me that same D&D experience.

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  On 8/17/2011 at 2:06 AM, FreekillX1Alpha said:
  On 8/17/2011 at 12:33 AM, 10dmcghee said:
As far as combining skills goes, we already have 18 with 6 for each archetype. Adding more would disrupt that system.
Couldn't they just group both athl and accro into one skill, and group merc and speech into one, and put both of these "new" skills into the stealth/thief archetype, so we still have all the skills, and all archetypes still have the same number of skills each.


Like this:

Thief archetype skills:




-Light armour

-Speechcraft+Mercantile to make one skill

-Athletics+Acrobatics to make one skill

So there'd still be six skills per archetype.


you forgot alchemy


Also, Speechcraft and Mercantile have already been combined into one generic "Speech" skill.

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In Oblivion, I'm pretty sure that both light and heavy armors equal out in pretty much every way at the highest skill level and I didn't like that all too much. The benefits of each armor should be exclusive to each armor.
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