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Using one handed wepons 2 handed


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Does anyoone know if there is a mod out there that lets u uses a one handed weapon 2 handed (like a katana for instance)


I'm just thinking it'd be cool to have a one handed longsword but be able to switch to 2 hands, maybe slow u down a bit but do more damage


If this already exists i apologise now for......spam..... :shifty:

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Actually what i want to do is make a mod that allows u to buy a 1handed weapon and as soon as u get it it adds another version of that weapon to ur inventory, only a 2handed variety, with no weight or value, to represent the fact that u already own the weapon


So far i've done this by placing two wepons in the mod, but i really wanna script it so it happens automatically, however, scripting skills are slightly limited :(

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Okay, suggestion two. Enchant your shirt (or belt or equivalent) with constant feather to the weight of the two handed equivalent. That way you have no additional weight and you don't have the problem with scripting. Of course if you carry lots of weapons around this gets a tad harder.


Sorry if this is not really answering your question but there could be more than one way to skin a kagouti.

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