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Need major help :/


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Well I was having many problems with fallout new Vegas as of late so i uninstalled and cleared out the directory to do a fresh start, I installed a few mods, lowered the number I was using, and went to start the game but its instantly crashing to the desktop, I've tried deleting the menus folder in case of corrupt menus and also disabled all mods but still no luck.

I'm using BOSS and arranging the unrecognized mods to the best of my knowledge.

Please help :(

I'm also not using master update.

Here is my load order:







Advanced Recon Tech.esm


More Perks.esm

More Perks for Companions.esm

More Perks for Dead Money.esm

More Perks for Honest Hearts.esm

More Traits.esm


Project Nevada - Core.esm

Project Nevada - Equipment.esm


Weapon Mod Expansion.esm

WME - Honest Hearts.esm

WME - Old World Blues.esm

ELECTRO-CITY - CompletedWorkorders.esm

ELECTRO-CITY - Highways and Byways.esm


NSkies URWLified.esm


Zion Exit.esp





Purge Cell Buffers.esp


The Mod Configuration Menu.esp


Liberty Loft.esp



UHNV-Dead Money.esp

UHNV-Honest Hearts.esp


Project Nevada - Cyberware.esp

Improved Sound FX - Gunshot Distance Tweak.esp

Improved Sound FX - DM.esp

Improved Sound FX - HH.esp

Improved Sound FX - WME - Weapon Sharing Fix.esp

Improved Sound FX - WME - HH Sharing Fix.esp

Improved Sound FX - WME - OWB Sharing Fix.esp





More Perks Update.esp

More Perks for Companions Update.esp

More Perks for Dead Money Update.esp

More Perks for Honest Hearts Update.esp

More Traits Update.esp

Advanced Recon Gear.esp

Advanced Recon Tech.esp

Advanced Recon Gear-Locations Doc Mitchell.esp

Advanced Recon Gear - Project Nevada.esp

BoilingOil - Eli's Edge.esp





Armored PA Gloves.esp


boa ncrpahelmet.esp

Colossus T49.esp


Desert Armor.esp



Fiendish Power Armor.esp

TYR Armor NV.esp


Darkfiregaming T-Shirt Mod..esp


Burned Man Alt Armours Andy.esp


DFB - Angel Park - Fixes.esp




NCR Rearmament v1.5 (Lore).esp

Project Nevada - Desert Armor Patch.esp



Companion Sandbox Mode.esp

dD-Smaller Wounds.esp

dD-Reduced Dismember Force.esp

dD-Reduced Ragdoll Force.esp

dD-Smaller Spatters Default.esp

dD-Smaller Spatters Realistic.esp

No Weapon Remove Dead Money.esp

Reactive People - Ultimatum.esp

Weapon Mod Expansion.esp

WME - Honest Hearts.esp

WME - Old World Blues.esp

WME - AWOP.esp

WME - Ironsights.esp

WME - Ironsights - HH.esp

WME - Packless.esp

WME - Named & Sorted.esp

WME - Arenovalis.esp

WME - Honest Hearts Arenovalis.esp



DYNAVISION 2 - Dynamic Lens Effect.esp

ELECTRO-CITY - Imaginator.esp

NSkies URWLifiedDM.esp

NSkies URWLifiedHH.esp

NSkies URWLifiedOWB.esp

Interior Lighting Overhaul-Realistic Interiors-Full.esp

ILO-RI-Dead Money.esp

ILO-RI-Honest Hearts.esp

ILO-RI-PipBoy Light.esp



Total active plugins: 116

Total plugins: 123

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did you clear out the .ini files in your saves games folder at documents/mygames/falloutNV ?


If you did not, the ini files that are in there are the same ones from before you re-installed. If they had been edited in any way, they wont match your ini file in your fallout new vegas folder.


Those files are created when you create your first save game.


If this is the case, remove any save games you want to keep into a temporary folder and clear out the ENTIRE folder of all files. Then start up the game with no mods, and if this is the problem, it will let you start a new game. Once you save your new game, go back to that folder and place your save games back in the new saves folder.


If that turns out not to be the case and you do this, when you get it working, it will create those files just like i explained

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No the game doesn't start at all mate, it doesn't even get to show the first loading screen never mind get to the main menu. It is just instantly crashing when I try to load up the game.

I've tried what you said but it wasn't the problem, its something in the game directory I think but I cant figure out what, its not even starting with no mods active.

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Yea mate,m total clean out, clearing out my directory again and disabling all mods see if t works at least then I know its something in the game directory and can start to thin it down, going to be a lengthy process though lol

Still cant believe how much of a life killer fallout is :) I spend more time getting it to be stable than playing it lol


EDIT: AGH just totally removed the stuff within the data directory, part from the vanilla stuff, and disabled all mods but still no luck, wtf is going on ?

Edited by cptcairney
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next time you uninstall, if before you re-install, you go to the fallout new vegas folder, you will see anything mod related that yoy missed cuz it will not be removed by the uninstall. maybe ther'll be somethin there that needs to go like a bad dll file or somethin?
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Think I found the problem which I missed (slaps self on head) when I was updating it came up that it couldn't rename the exe and launcher so I did that manually, then I just realized after installing again and updating that it failed to update the falloutnv.esm also as it couldn't rename it or something. Damn Microsoft and their UAC! I will let you know how I get on ;)
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I'm now getting an application start error :( anyone know what causes these again ?

O and it says it cant find my .INI file now ? I know what that is but everything is where it should be X(

Edited by cptcairney
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