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Multi Page Menu Won't Work


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I've been having trouble with this script lately with 2 menus, for some reason the second menu never works, It shows up but whenever I click on one of the buttons nothing happens and the menu goes away. I've been smashing my head on the desk for days over this trying to figure it out and I can't find the problem, so now I would really like some help.


Here is the code:

scriptName aamlinkwellscript

Short controlvar
Short button
Short secondpage

Begin OnEquip
if ( player.getitemcount Quill01 == 0 )
	MessageBox "A Quill is required to inscribe."
elseif  ( player.getitemcount BlankSheet == 0 )
	MessageBox "You do not have any Parchments."
	;List of Scrolls Go Here
	MessageBox "Choose a Scroll Recipe to Inscribe:", "Life Touch", "Mana Source", "Energy Boost", "Flame Tempest", "Lightning Vortex", "Icy Storm", "[Next Page]"
	Set controlvar to 1


Begin MenuMode
	Set button to GetButtonPressed

;Life Touch
if ( button == 0  ) && ( controlvar == 1 )
		player.additem aamlscrollLifeTouchscroll 1
		player.removeitem BlankSheet 1
		Set controlvar to 0

;Mana Source
if ( button == 1  ) && ( controlvar == 1 )
		player.additem aamlscrolManaSourcescroll 1
		player.removeitem BlankSheet 1
		Set controlvar to 0

;Energy Boost
if ( button == 2  ) && ( controlvar == 1 )
		player.additem aamlscrollEnergyBoostscroll 1
		player.removeitem BlankSheet 1
		Set controlvar to 0

;Flame Tempest
if ( button == 3  ) && ( controlvar == 1 )
		if ( player.getitemcount FireSalts <= 4 )
			MessageBox "You do not have enough Fire Salts."
			Set controlvar to 0
		elseif ( player.getitemcount FireSalts >= 5 )
			player.additem aamlFlameTempestscroll 1
			player.removeitem BlankSheet 1
			player.removeitem FireSalts 5
			Set controlvar to 0

;Lightning Vortex
if ( button == 4  ) && ( controlvar == 1 )
		if ( player.getitemcount VoidSalts <= 4 )
			MessageBox "You do not have enough Void Salts."
			Set controlvar to 0
		elseif ( player.getitemcount VoidSalts >= 5 )
			player.additem aamlLightningVortexscroll 1
			player.removeitem BlankSheet 1
			player.removeitem VoidSalts 5
			Set controlvar to 0

;Icy Storm
if ( button == 5  ) && ( controlvar == 1 )
		if ( player.getitemcount FrostSalts <= 4 )
			MessageBox "You do not have enough Frost Salts."
			Set controlvar to 0
		elseif ( player.getitemcount FrostSalts >= 5 )
			player.additem aamlIcyStormscroll 1
			player.removeitem BlankSheet 1
			player.removeitem FrostSalts 5
			Set controlvar to 0

;Next Page
if ( button == 6  ) && ( controlvar == 1 )
		Set controlvar to -1


Begin MenuMode
if  ( controlvar == -1 )
		MessageBox "Choose a Scroll Recipe to Inscribe:", "Summon Minion", "Summon Undead", "Raise Dead", "Rejuvenation", "Fortify Ancient Magicka", "Ancient Regeneration", "[Done]"
		Set controlvar to 0
		Set secondpage to 1

Begin MenuMode
		Set button to GetButtonPressed

;Summon Minion
if ( button == 0  ) && ( secondpage == 1 )
		if ( player.getitemcount Bonemeal <= 2 )
			MessageBox "You do not have enough Bonemeal."
			Set secondpage to 0
		elseif ( player.getitemcount Bonemeal >= 3 )
			player.additem aamlSummonMinionscroll 1
			player.removeitem BlankSheet 1
			player.removeitem Bonemeal 3
			Set secondpage to 0

;Summon Undead
if ( button == 1  ) && ( secondpage == 1 )
		if ( player.getitemcount MortFlesh <= 2 )
			MessageBox "You do not have enough Mort Flesh."
			Set secondpage to 0
		elseif ( player.getitemcount MortFlesh >= 3 )
			player.additem aamSummonUndeadscroll 1
			player.removeitem BlankSheet 1
			player.removeitem MortFlesh 3
			Set secondpage to 0

;Raise Dead
if ( button == 2  ) && ( secondpage == 1 )
		if ( player.getitemcount DaedraHeart <= 1 )
			MessageBox "You do not have enough Daedra Heart's."
			Set secondpage to 0
		elseif ( player.getitemcount DaedraHeart >= 2 )
			player.additem aamRaiseDeadscroll 1
			player.removeitem BlankSheet 1
			player.removeitem DaedraHeart 2
			Set secondpage to 0

if ( button == 3  ) && ( secondpage == 1 )
		if ( player.getitemcount TrollFat <= 2 )
			MessageBox "You do not have enough Troll Fat."
			Set secondpage to 0
		elseif ( player.getitemcount TrollFat >= 3 )
			player.additem aamlRejuvenationscroll 1
			player.removeitem BlankSheet 1
			player.removeitem TrollFat 3
			Set secondpage to 0

;Fortify Ancient Magicka
if ( button == 4  ) && ( secondpage == 1 )
		if ( player.getitemcount WelkyndStone <= 4 )
			MessageBox "You do not have enough Welkynd Stone's."
			Set secondpage to 0
		elseif ( player.getitemcount WelkyndStone >= 5 )
			player.additem aamlFortifyAncientMagickascroll 1
			player.removeitem BlankSheet 1
			player.removeitem WelkyndStone 5
			Set secondpage to 0

;Ancient Regeneration
if ( button == 5  ) && ( secondpage == 1 )
		if ( player.getitemcount VarlaStone == 0 )
			MessageBox "You do not have a Varla Stone."
			Set secondpage to 0
		elseif ( player.getitemcount VarlaStone >= 1 )
			player.additem aamlAncientRegenerationscroll 1
			player.removeitem BlankSheet 1
			player.removeitem VarlaStone 1
			Set secondpage to 0

if ( button == 6  ) && ( secondpage == 1 )
		Set secondpage to 0



It is a menu for a mod I am working on, the first page works fine, but for some reason when I click on choices on the second page nothing happens, I cannot understand why, all my variables look accurate to me, so please help, I'm still kind of newish to programming, I tried everything, I even tried following tutorials on the CS wiki, according to them it should work but its not.


I am guessing the conditions for the second set of items isn't being true, but I set them up to be true before hand so idk whats wrong. When I look at that script, by the time it gets to for example: ( button == 0 ) && ( secondpage == 1 ) both those values should be true so it should run the remove and add items in that block, but its not, nothing happens when I click on any of the choices on the second page.

Edited by MightyLink
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I hate making menus but I've had to make quite a few of them before. I don't know what might be wrong with how you're doing your menu (off-hand I would say it might be because of your multiple menumode blocks or else using the GetButtonPressed function multiple times per frame) but this is the format I use for my menus:



scn menuscript

short menu
short choice

Begin OnEquip	;or however you want the menu to be started

set menu to 1


Begin MenuMode	;or GameMode depending on how the menu is started

if (menu == 1)
	set menu to -1	;use negative values for checking the button pressed
	MessageBox "Message 1" "choice 0" "choice 1" "choice 2" ;etc.
elseif (menu == -1)
	set choice to GetButtonPressed
	if (choice == 0)
		set menu to 10
		;do something
	elseif (choice == 1)
		set menu to 11
		;do something else
	elseif (choice == 2)
		set menu to 12
	elseif (choice == 8)
		;the next page option
		set menu to 2
	elseif (choice == 9)
		;the cancel option
		set menu to 0

if (menu == 2)
	set menu to -2
	MessageBox "Message 2" "choice 0" "choice 1" "choice 2" ;etc.
elseif (menu == -2)
	;set it up similar to menu = -1

if (menu == 10)	;the first submenu of first menu
	set menu to -10
	MessageBox "Message 3" "choice 0" "choice 1" "choice 2" ;etc.
elseif (menu == -10)
	set choice to GetButtonPressed
	if (choice == 0)
		set menu to 100
		;do something
	elseif (choice == 1)
		set menu to 101
		;do something else
	elseif (choice == 2)
		set menu to 102
	elseif (choice == 8)
		;return to previous menu
		set menu to (menu / 10)
	elseif (choice == 9)
		;the cancel option
		set menu to 0

if (menu == 20)	;the first submenu of the second menu
	set menu to -20




Edited by fg109
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I hate making menus but I've had to make quite a few of them before. I don't know what might be wrong with how you're doing your menu (off-hand I would say it might be because of your multiple menumode blocks or else using the GetButtonPressed function multiple times per frame) but this is the format I use for my menus:



scn menuscript

short menu
short choice

Begin OnEquip	;or however you want the menu to be started

set menu to 1


Begin MenuMode	;or GameMode depending on how the menu is started

if (menu == 1)
	set menu to -1	;use negative values for checking the button pressed
	MessageBox "Message 1" "choice 0" "choice 1" "choice 2" ;etc.
elseif (menu == -1)
	set choice to GetButtonPressed
	if (choice == 0)
		set menu to 10
		;do something
	elseif (choice == 1)
		set menu to 11
		;do something else
	elseif (choice == 2)
		set menu to 12
	elseif (choice == 8)
		;the next page option
		set menu to 2
	elseif (choice == 9)
		;the cancel option
		set menu to 0

if (menu == 2)
	set menu to -2
	MessageBox "Message 2" "choice 0" "choice 1" "choice 2" ;etc.
elseif (menu == -2)
	;set it up similar to menu = -1

if (menu == 10)	;the first submenu of first menu
	set menu to -10
	MessageBox "Message 3" "choice 0" "choice 1" "choice 2" ;etc.
elseif (menu == -10)
	set choice to GetButtonPressed
	if (choice == 0)
		set menu to 100
		;do something
	elseif (choice == 1)
		set menu to 101
		;do something else
	elseif (choice == 2)
		set menu to 102
	elseif (choice == 8)
		;return to previous menu
		set menu to (menu / 10)
	elseif (choice == 9)
		;the cancel option
		set menu to 0

if (menu == 20)	;the first submenu of the second menu
	set menu to -20





Thank you so much man your a life saver, your code is much simpler and shorter and it worked. I've never learned to code before I started making mods for oblivion so I can never tell whats wrong with it, usually the CS script editor tells me when theres a problem but for some reason it didn't for my page script, now that I used yours it worked perfectly, thanks again, I'll give you credits for helping when I release my mod.


[EDIT] My mod has been finished and uploaded here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=39962

Edited by MightyLink
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