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Assassin Suit container


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I want a mod for a container to be added to the BOS Dead Money Abandoned Bunker. If you can, add it [The assassin suit] when you first go into it, right on the side of the ladder. I suppose this would be easy compared to the other mods, but i dont want anything fancy. Any container able to hold it, i have all three DLC's, so, please?
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*sigh*. I cant even spawn the suit with a code, which, honestly, i dont know what the problem is with. So, yeah, PLEASE!? ]



I CANT SPAWN IT WITH A CODE. Which, means, of course, if you cant understand, 'No player.additem'.


So thats why im requesting this.

Edited by TheCounterHunter
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There ya be. It is on the right side of the GS Prospector's Saloon outside. I couldn't find the DM bunker in the Geck. It is in a crate. It has all unique items from DM that you cannot find in NV.
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